Chapter 16: New Plans

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Lisa was waiting at her bike after practice.

It's been a day since the cafeteria incident and she didn't dare talk to Chaeyoung again.

Seulgi and Jisoo had apparently already apologized to Rosé after classes.

It was her turn.

She stood up to the sound of footsteps only to see Irene and Jennie walking out of the change room. Jennie was glaring at her like she was trying to make her disintegrate.

Lisa rolled her eyes in her head as she watched Irene drag Jennie away, who was still glaring.

Do her eyes not get tired?

She stopped glaring back when she heard another pair of footsteps behind her. Her eyes finally landed on the girl she was waiting to see.

Rosé was standing in front of her, awkwardly holding her bag. Lisa noticed Rosé's hair was now a lighter shade of pink. Not as bright and not as dull.

It was perfect and felt just right for Rosé. It took her a few minutes to gather herself and remember why she was here in the first place.

Fuck, am I drooling? 

Wiping off the possible drool, Lisa finally looked at Chae ready to apologize.

" was Alice." The meek voice continued to explain what happened that morning with a pout.

"I wanted to dye it for my birthday. My sister told me she would help me but she got the wrong shade and didn't have time to fix it so I just wore a hoodie." Chaeyoung was fiddling with her fingers refusing to looking up at Lisa.

"...I didn't realize it fell off when I got up."

Lisa just continued to stare at how cute Rosé was, barely registering any of the words being told to her.

"I'm gonna dye it back today."


They were both startled by her voice.

"I love it. It suits you...a lot."

"...And I'm sorry about that day in the cafeteria. I was just startled and startled and my friends jumped in to help me..."

She was drifting off and Chaeyoung still hasn't given her any response.

"I'm sorry if we embarrassed you." She bowed before getting on her bike and putting on her helmet

"So no ride today?" 

If it wasn't for the dark, Lisa would've saw the way Chaeyoung's puffy cheeks had turned red. Lisa's brain stopped working again as it always does when she saw Chaeyoung's smile.

"Jisoo and Seulgi already told me about how sorry you felt. They also told me, you tried making me kimchi fried rice and ended up burning down Jisoo's kitchen..."


Chaeyoung was laughing so hard that Lisa cancelled her plan to kill Jisoo and Seulgi in their sleep.

Taking her chance, Lisa reached into her bag for the light pink roses she had bought which coincidentally went with Chaeyoung's hair.

"No "Roses for Rosie" this time?", Chaeyoung teased.

"I'm never using any pick up line again."

Chaeyoung giggled, making Lisa's heart flutter. She put the roses in her bag before putting her hand on Lisa's shoulder to get on, sending Lisa's heart into a serious stage.

"Do you have to go home right away?"

Seeing Lisa's smile she shook her head before texting Alice that she'll be home late.

Lisa felt Chaeyoung's arms wrap around her abs, making her bring back the same feeling from the first night.

She started her bike promising Rosé that she will make it up for her birthday.

 • • • • • • •

Jennie was walking to YG when she heard a bike behind, she immediately froze.

She hated herself for still being affected by the incident but she hated Jisoo more for making her act this way.

Arriving at class, she could see Lisa sitting on Sana's desk while Jisoo was sitting on her's.

So, they're back.

Jennie saw how Jisoo acted in class, around others and even with her friends. She didn't even feel like the same person from that day.

Jisoo and her friends weren't bad people. Most of them only got in trouble for skipping class or pulling harmless pranks.

Jisoo and Jeongyeon would sometimes get caught up in small fights or arguments. Usually they weren't in the wrong.

She would watch as Irene told them how much trouble they were in while they texted their friends to get them.

Jeongyeon would usually call Jihyo and Wendy who scolded her before checking if she was injured and leaving.

Jisoo's text ends with Lisa and Seulgi barging into the StuCo office and arguing with the members for a shorter detention time while two other girls would check up on Jisoo.

She would watch as Jisoo cracked a few jokes to calm them down no matter what situation she was in.

Jennie knew people can change, and she would've been willing to give Jisoo a chance but every time she saw her on that bike she can only remember what happened that day.

Moving closer to her desk, she could see Jisoo was leading the conversation, while Lisa occasionally joined in to sneak in a joke.

"Roseanne Park sounds like an old lady that survived the Titanic" Jisoo teased Rosé.

"Kim Jisoo sounds like some loser second lead from a kdrama.", Rosé smiled as she slapped Jisoo's arm.

"Wasn't there actually a guy-"


Lisa quickly stood up while Jisoo gave her a look before moving to sit on Rosé's desk and going back to Sana's conversation.

She gave them a smile before sitting at her desk and pulling out her phone.

February 13.

Tomorrow's Valentine's Day.

She knows there are people interested in her but she really couldn't care.

She saw the letters left at the StuCo office for her and her friends.

Irene threw hers away while Nayeon read them and sometimes sent pictures of it to piss off Jeongyeon.

Her reasoning was "to remind her I'm special."

I don't even know what's wrong with her.

Joy and Sana would go through theirs while Tzuyu just threw them in her bag. Jennie did the same and waited until she was far from YG to throw them out in a nearby trash can.

I want to reject them, not shatter their hearts.

Her mind wandered to Jisoo.

Is she going to confess to me tomorrow?

Will she give me flowers and chocolate like everyone else?

Maybe Jennie wanted to shatter one person's heart. She wanted to reject Jisoo and remind her of what she did to her that day.

She expects Jisoo to confess to her tomorrow. And if she doesn't Jennie will make sure she does so herself.


I realized I started writing a lot when it comes to Jensoo so I merged chapters together to match up the length of the chapters I'm currently writing. Plus I want to reach a certain part already.

Therefore, You and Meحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن