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𝒋𝒚𝒂𝒅𝒊𝒂 𝒑𝒐𝒗

Sunday came and flew by rapidly. I didn't do anything but completing my half of the project. I contemplated going to the gym but decided against it. Today was Monday though so I had to start getting ready for my class.

I showered thoroughly, brushed my teeth and did everything else hygiene related. For my outfit I did something simple with a slick back ponytail and swooped edges. Makeup I didn't really do anything but lashes and lip gloss so I did eye liner today. Odessa and Jules are picking me up today so I won't have to walk.

                      𝒈𝒍𝒐𝒄𝒄 𝒏𝒐 𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒆🤭

jules🤟🏾: we be there in 15
be ready lil gir🙄
                                          I'm always ready😭

dessa😏: why would you ever tell such a lie

                    dess you pose to be on my side😒

dessa😏: you rii I'm sorry bae😔

Jules and Odessa were cousins they was completely the opposite though. Odessa was more of the quiet kid that was always mean mugging and Jules was that guy that always liked partying no matter the scenario. They balanced each other out and they was cool as hell that's why I like them. We all been friends for the longest anytime you seen one of them you seen me and vice versa.

After lacing up my shoes I walked downstairs about to eat.

"Ma'am what do you think your doing" my mom said why looking at me like a chicken that got it's head cut off.

I fix my posture and put down my fork linking hands with my parents. It was my turn to lead prayer that morning. Clearing my throat I started "Dear Heavenly Father I want to thank you for waking us up another day and letting us be here to enjoy this wonderful meal Amen" I said followed after a Unison of Amen from my parents. I'm eating this today because my mom didn't cook dad did.

"How have you been pumpkin" my dad asked me while eating his eggs.

"I've been alright papa grades are good and I'm breathing fine"

"That's good to hear and I'm happy you sat down to eat breakfast with us this morning because me and Patrice (jyadias mom) have some news to tell you"

I started showing him full attention nodded my head for him to continue.

"Well your birth mother has contacted us and asked us to give her a chance to meet you officially, but before you say yes she wants to have a relationship with you not like mother and daughter but a relationship" he finished awkwardly smiling wanting me to add on.

I was stunned to say the least they've always told me that she died from a car accident but the whole time she's been alive? Breathing? And no one thought to let me know? I think that realization hit me the hardest. They lied. The people that vowed to tell me everything no matter how small.

"So papa why'd you and mama lie about her dying? Were you jealous? Did you not want us to meet?" I asked slightly becoming enraged for being lied to for 17 whole years. I'm certain you'd feel the same way, having being fed a false narrative all your life.

"Nn-o honey it isn't like it's it's" my papa stuttered to find the words. Then I heard a beep outside. I got up to leave without saying a word to both of them. I shut the door normally trying to bring myself from slamming it. As I got in the car I just stared out of the window thinking if I was overreacting.

Dessa taped me "You good what happened?" She asked as concern lingered in her voice.

I shrug starting to tell her the story " So basically I've been lied to my whole life and my mom isn't dead and she wants to meet me to form a 'relationship' like? What fucking relationship you gave me up at 3 months and for 17 years you haven't even thought of me" I spat out harshly. I guessed slightly enraged weren't the words anymore I was enraged, infuriated to say the least.

"Damn I feel like you should think it over though because the same thing happened with me and I wished I would have taken that opportunity.." she trailed off. I trusted Dessa the same thing happened to her that's kinda how we bonded. Her mom left her to go up for adoption like mines did. Except hers was way worse her mom was hooked on drugs and she was a "crack baby" as the streets would say. I took her advice to heart although and will think it over some more before deciding.

Jules didn't say anything he isn't great at comforting so he just doesn't. He says silent until he's somehow bought into the mix he didn't like fucking things up worst than they already were.

"I get you dessa and I will" she nodded and we continued our drive until finally pulling up to school. I give them both hugs since our electives and such were different and we had no classes together. Walking up the stairs I noticed Amari flirting with some girl I didn't pay her any attention walking the opposite way and minding my business something I'm all too good at.

When I got to my first period we just had to write down our new schedule and make sure our breaks aligned with it.

"So as your writing down your new schedules please keep in mind that your projects are due next Friday the 26th and it accounts for 35% of your final grades" Mrs Walker spoke trying to lighten this heavy crowd.

I just checked out some things that I needed to do and already completed. Dang I forgot to text Kenedy to find out when we can work on the project. My hand raises into the air.

"Yes Ms.Anderson"

"May I go to the bathroom please?" I asked Mrs.Walker

"Yes you may hurry back"

I get up pushing in my chair taking a hall pass to the nearest bathroom. When I walked in no one was in there great. I pull out my phone to text Kenedy.

                                     when aren't you busy?

uhh next thursday im
moving and I have to
help with the yearbook
                           okk we can work at my house

I hope she holds her weight in this project I haven't seen her do any previous. Welp I leave the bathroom and walk back to class continuing writing down whatever she was saying. I hope no more surprises pop up. Today was interesting enough and it's only 8:56 let's hope it doesn't get anymore interesting...

Soooo chapter 3 is done and did y'all like it??
Y'all think Jyadia gone talk to her mom??
Was her parents wrong?? Next chapter should be up by Monday 😩🧡 text me I'm always activeeeee.

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