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I feel like I haven't seen or talked to anyone since the situation with Kenedy. I've distanced myself because I've been confused not hurt but lost in my feelings. I just got out of an toxic ass relationship and on top of that I like a girl? Most definitely I'm denying my feelings for her but i can't out right admit that to myself well at least not right now.

Kenedy finished up her portion of the project and told me to finish mines. It was fairly easy so I've been putting it off. Gathering my things to put into my purse I changed into some jordans. Reign invited me out to eat so I took Dessa's advice to go talk to her.

The place she picked out wasn't too far from home so I was on my way out of the door.

"I love you Jyadia try not to give that woman a hard time okay?" My momma said to me.

I nodded "I promise I won't love you too" I hugged her before calling an Uber.

Once I reached the little cafe I sat and got table for two texting away on my phone. Reign said that she was stuck in traffic so she would take awhile. I was used to being forgotten about so I shrugged texting back okay.

"Hello, welcome to Manic can I get you started off with any drinks?" The waiter politely asked me.

"No thank you I'm waiting for someone"

The waiter nodded and walked away continuing with their shift. My legs started to bob up and down before I started to stare aimlessly at the windows of the store across from us. I saw a familiar figure but couldn't make out who he was. I thought for a couple seconds longer before figuring out it was Amari. This time he wasn't alone and was with a girl.

Once they sat down I was able to see that the girl was Kennedy. Thinking back to when I saw him huddled up on a girl at school I realized it was her. At that moment in time I didn't know how to go about it. Technically it's not my business but on the other hand Kennedy is my friend...

Regardless of what I was thinking my legs were walking across the street into the store. I just acted normal and ordered a coffee before walking past their table.

"Oh hey Jyadia !" Kennedy said waving and smiling with all her teeth.

"Hey Kennedy" I said before turning my attention to Amari. "Hey Amari" i said rather cold.

Kennedy looked at us both "You guys know eachother ?" We both nodded, well here I go.

"Yeah he's my ex he broke up like a week ago" I said making sure to add in the dates. I knew Amari was cheating on me but now that I can see it for myself it made me feel ten times better.

She paused and gave her full attention to Amari "I knew it you stupid dirty bitch" she hissed while throwing her drink at him.

"Yooo shawty calm down it ain't even like that" Amari tried to say chasing Kennedy as she stormed out of the store.

"THANKS A LOT JYADIA!" Amari yelled at me like I was the one cheating. I shrugged "Your welcome bitch" I replied before following Kennedy out of the store to comfort her.

I finally caught up to her as she was getting in her car. I knocked on the window and she opened to passenger side door. She tried to control her breathing it was very hitched.

"Sorry for letting you see that side of me it's just I feel so.." She stumbled over her words before I cut her off.

"It's okay I promise I was just in your position a week ago it'll be better." I reassured her while rubbing her back.

" I know I just feel so stupid I ignored all the red flags and ugh" She face Palmed.

"Only dumb one here is Amari with his box head ass" We both bursted out laughing before deciding to go back to her place and watch a movie. Things were going better than expected to the point where I forgot about meeting Reign. Ehh atleast she now knows what it feels like to be let down continuously day after day.

AND JUST LIKE THAT.... I'm sorry I haven't updated in like a month and fair warning this is proofread I had writers block for a good month and finally decided to write and got some new ideas.

But do you guys think that Jyadia made the right decision to tell Kennedy like that in public???🙆🏾‍♀️❤️

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