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jyadia pov continued!!

after i finally got home off of the bus i knocked on the door because i had forgotten my keys that morning. when the door was opened i saw reign and my parents sitting around at the table. what type of intervention shit is this omg.

"you already know why im here jyadia" reign started off the conversation.

i shrugged "actually i dont you should tell me" i said sitting down at the table trying not to get smart with her.

"we'll let you guys talk it out" my mom said, and dad followed going upstairs.

"you know i love you right you haven't returned my text messages" she said and lowkey i was going to return them and forgot.

"im sorry it slipped my mind" i said honestly because it has.

"jyadia i want a relationship with you i sincerely do let me have that please" she said on the brink of tears.

"okay i want one but why did you give me up in the first place, if you loved me you wouldnt do that..." twiddling with my fingers i looked down at the ground saying those last few words.

"do you actually wanna know?" she asked me

"yes" i responded

"brace yourself its a long one" she added on and i just nodded.

"okay so when i got pregnant with you i was 18 young and dumb my homelife was perfect and i ruined it by meeting this older guy who was 26 your father, long story short i fell for him bad and he didnt want anything but my body so he insisted the child was not his i cried my ass out so bad and hated myself and you because you were the reason he didnt want me, i realized soon i was so wrong, when i told my parents they kicked me out and i had to stay with a friend and once you were born i didnt have any support or money so i had to give you up im so so sorry jyadia i love you" she said while crying breathing heavy and hugging me.

i couldnt even say anything because it hit me so fast the emotions the tears the snot it all hit...

ive resented this woman for only doing the best for me. ive hated been away and ignored her because i thought she didnt want me. when turns out she only wanted the best for me.

"im sorry reign i truly am" i sobbed comforting her.

"its okay baby it really is" she made sure to tell me.

soon after that we sat down and caught up on everything. i needed this really bad im happy dessa made me talk to her. shes really my lifeline. ugh it was so good to talk to her it felt as if a big weight was lifted off of my shoulders. we walked literally endlessly until she got had to leave because it was getting late.

once i finally reached my bed i fell going instantly to sleep.

wednesday 8:30 am kenedy pov!!

"ugh school again" i sighed under my breath while picking up my starbucks order. i was running a little late but i didnt care and took my time eating my muffin while sitting in my car. still parked in starbucks parking lot i decided to drive off and go to school.

"siri play 'n95' by kendrick lamar" i yelled at siri. it started playing and i drove to school singing the lyrics. once i reached there i parked and grabbed my late slip they stay bitching about.

i walked into second period sitting in the back not paying attention to anything the teacher said. i was mostly focused on why i was failing two classes. damn i let my academics suffer bad with partying and forgetting to do work. surely i was behind on graduating with my class. although i did get assigned a tutor the principal told me that but i don't know who.

"ms. mitchell please pay attention you'll need this" my teacher said and i nodded still not paying any attention to him.

some girls that hung around yoni were talking mad loud. i wanted to tell them to shut the fuck up but i was being nice.

"naw yoni fought a ugly faggot bitch?" one of them said and i started paying attention to their convo because she said a slur. like the fuck you mean 'faggot bitch'. now they got my attention.

"ew she probably got herp now" one of them cosigned and they started laughing even harder. they were just talking shit so i let it slide because that wasn't about to have me riled up enough to defend someone that clearly didn't fuck with me.

they continued bickering and snaring some more but i didn't pay attention. the bell rung and i walked to my next class which was math. now math, oh that was the easiest subject it was all numbers with one correct answer. I'd choose all math classes if i could.

we had sat prep today so we took a test that would look similar to the sat's. it was pretty easy so i breezed through it pretty fast.

end of the day ken pov!!

*brrrrggg* finally i said to myself school was over. i picked up my bookbag and headed to the school's parking lot to drive home. i was almost out of the front door too when someone stopped me.

"yo wassup wit you ma" some boy id seen around school said stopping me. instead of being mean mugging him i tried to be nice.

"uhh nothing on my way home?" i said but i guess the being nice didnt work because he told me to calm down.

"can i get your number?" he asked me while holding out his phone

"sure " i said politely i wasnt going to use it but it was way better than saying no and him complaining.

"see you 'round" he said again before walking away.

cant lie he was pretty cute, darkskin, dreads and tall? too bad i was gay lol.

i pulled off in my car while listening to music of course. the whole day i was thinking about jyadia debating if i should text her or not but i decided to anyways. god i hated the way my conscious made me feel.

 god i hated the way my conscious made me feel

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hmmp. i could tell she was already mad but i dont care imma make this right between us .

heyy yall , yall enjoyed this chapter?


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who wrong jyadia or kenedy?


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