5. Slutty Tuesday

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"Honey, will see you after work, please lock up, alright," my mother shouts, from downstairs and I can tell she is late.

"Laters Mom," I respond, adding more eyeliner under my eyes to make them look…


Levi said he'd pick me up, and for some unknown reason, I feel like I need to look good. You can't blame a girl for wanting to look hot in front of an attractive dude, would you?

I must say, I took it too far because I am wearing my favorite push-up bra - the one that Chad got for me when my breasts wouldn't give me a break. You're probably wondering who Chad Is. Chad is one very tall, very handsome piece of art and is—no—was my boyfriend back in the city.

He was in senior year when I was in junior year and this will sound cheesy, but his friends dared him to kiss me—on the lips—can you imagine? Anyway, from that day, I hated Chad McCarthy with everything in me. I guess as the saying goes; with deep hatred comes deep love. I fell for my enemy and all the hate vanished into the thin air.

Shameful, I know.

I'm not proud of my behavior, but I never expected it to happen that way as well, if I didn't leave the city we intended to try out our first sex on his birthday - which happens to be tomorrow. I remember how we used to talk about our first sex, how it would be like, I mean we'd stay up all night just fantasizing about it, but we refused to get tempted. The furthest we went was sharing a sloppy, passionate kiss at a party.

It was going to be my first sex, not his, though. I know he has had several girls in his bed, and he was just taking it slow for my sake. I was a baby back then, Maybe I still am, just turned sweet sixteen last month.

I clench my fists and I don't realize how my knuckles are whitening until I look at them, I take in a sharp breath and stare in the mirror, promising myself it's the last time. Even when I feel uncomfortable, I refuse to change. I'm wearing a black leather skirt—it's quite short for my liking but, I put it on anyway. I top it off with a black blouse and red Jacket, not forgetting the corresponding red ankle boots.

I don't do much on my face except the eyeliner and a little lip gloss, I want my look to appear as natural as ever—even when I know it is nothing close to natural. I seriously look like sexy, Bloody Mary right now and to my surprise, I love it.

"Nets or Nah?" I mumble to myself, I turn in the mirror to inspect how the short skirt clings to my ass. What a nice view, but still, nets it is. I sigh and grab some fishnets from my small closet and throw them on.

"Better," I stare back in the mirror and I don't look as slutty as before, I look sluttier. Is that a thing?

Anyway, moving on, I style my ridiculously long, raven black hair into a high ponytail and decide I'm done for the day. To be honest, my Mom wouldn't let me go to school looking like this, now I'm just being extra. I grab a brown trench coat and stuff it in my bag—for when I get home after her. I want to chuckle at my lame trick, but there is a car honking outside.

"That's me," I mumble to myself like a mad person and make my way down the stairs. As soon as I open the door, his face appears in the view and I must say, I can't breathe for a moment.

Breathe you, idiot. A merciful voice inside me reminds me, I think it is visible, how I just had a mini apneic moment a few seconds ago. To conceal it, I flash him a smile, and he only gives me a wave, while seated in his black car—is it his?

I'm not too savvy with cars, but this is a black SUV and my oh my, I can't wait to get in. With shaky hands, I wrestle with the rusty lock, which seems like it specifically set out to embarrass me.

"Oh c'mon," I grunt, trying for the thirteenth time now. Why are we not getting new locks around here?

"Everything okay?" Levi asks, now he is leaning against his car with his right leg crossed over the left one. His arms are folded over his chest and I notice the white shirt he is wearing. I must say, it clings perfectly to his corded biceps.
How did I not see this last night? Right, he was wearing a huge sweater.

"Y-ah, just need to…" The glorified 'click' sound the lock makes brings me more joy this morning than anything else can. I know it's locked, I pull the key out and walk to where he is waiting for me. I stand In front of him with my hands clasped behind me, I let him give me a once-over. I know it's wrong, but I wish he can strip my clothes off me with his brown, sinful yet beautiful eyes.

"Do you, um, do you wear this every day?" He asks, once his eyes return to my face. I can tell how impressed he is because he can barely keep his voice in check. How are things between your legs, honey?

"On my good days," I smile, the brightest I can ever smile in the morning. Normally, I'm not a morning person, as half of the population on earth, but he's got me in the mood and all I want to do is look good for him. It's crazy how I'm slowly turning into one very slutty asshole.

"I see," he states, and we stand there staring at each other, I might be enjoying this moment far too much, but school calls.

"We should get going?" I jerk my thumb to the road ahead, and he shakes his head.

"Of course," he says and opens the door to the front passenger seat for me. Please don't do this, you're making it even harder to not find you attractive. He circles to his seat and makes sure he buckles in his seatbelt.

The first five minutes of the drive drown in dead, awkward silence—with him stealing very lustful glances at my thighs, which are barely covered by those fishnets. Maybe this was a bad idea, I think to myself when I catch him looking at them.

He only licks his lips and smiles, I find myself watching, and it's addictive. JESUS, where did all this come from? How did I change overnight? From the girl who wears boyfriend jeans to this?

"I stalked you by the way," he says, it comes out as a whisper. I cock my eyebrow and he clears his throat. "You're a diehard fan of Rihanna, I see."

I nod. "As I said, so uh, can I ask you something?"

"Go ahead," he smiles while his big hand grips the steering wheel and his thumb taps on it with a rhythm in his head.

"What happened to your eyes?" I finally ask, I don't beat around the bush to ask what I have been wanting to inquire about for the last ten minutes. If I remember correctly it was him, with those deadly, beautiful bloodshot eyes, and he was wearing glasses, right? Now, where the hell did they go? His eyes appear clear today, you'd think I'm lying about it. It's just too crazy.

"What happened?" He looks at me.

"They're…clear," I feel like I'm trembling under his intense questioning gaze.

"About that, the bloodshot thing is more of an evening thing, only happens at night," he explains, and I wish I can tell him how much of zero sense he is making right now.


"You have countless things to learn about me," he chuckles casually.

Is he a vampire? Because this is insane.

I don't even realize we have arrived at school until he stops the car. I'm still confused, and I want to ask more, to talk about more, but he gets out of the car—so do I.

"Ives!" A sharp feminine voice calls out, I know it's her. Eve.

I look at her, she is standing in a circle with her friends, I only wave and turn back to Levi.

"Those are your friends?" He asks, his voice suddenly low and cold. I take a second to search his now brown eyes, he doesn't let me because he looks away.


"Nice," he looks at the group for a moment and turns back to me. "Be careful with those, Dawny, I will see you after class." He states and winks at me.


She Came To Stay. GxG (COMPLETE)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon