8. The prophecy

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Thirst. Pleasure. Need. Hate.

The four words lingered in my head the moment I set eyes on Ivy Myers. It was no surprise I was having mixed feelings about one person only. What was disturbing was the fact that I had rehearsed over and over how pleasurable it will be when I finally dug my teeth into her neck.

She is coming.

Karen's words still ring in my head now. These words were said eleven months ago but to me, it feels like she just told me yesterday. I had been anticipating her arrival, I was anxious to meet her for the first time.

I could hear her heart beating from feet away the first time I made eye contact with her. How Eve became friends with her is still a mystery, did she not know of the prophecy? Or were these her canning ways to trick her into trusting her, then finally making the kill?

On that Monday, standing on the other side of that wall, I felt her heart throb in her chest and my fangs sprawled out. Literally. You can imagine the effect she has on me, just by hearing her breathe or seeing her chest rise and fall. I feel the urge to rip the life out of her.

Maybe being away from her wasn't so much of a good idea but it helped to keep my desires in check. I still remember how she looked at me the second time we made eye contact in the cafeteria. Her brown eyes were calling to me, to manipulate her and speak to her what no other person could hear. I wonder if Eve heard the first conversation I had with her earlier today.

I could tell she was confused when I greeted her. She probably thought, or still thinks it's all in her head and she was hearing things. It wasn't too hard to manipulate her mind and speak to her, but there was a different force that made us lose contact now and then.

It was as if that force disliked my energy, it repulsed me and I wondered why.

More reasons why she needed to die. As Karen had elaborated in her prophecy: She will bring chaos to all supernatural, especially our kind. Getting rid of her will be the best chance we have to carry on with our existence. She had explained with very dark eyes which turned dark now and then when she got possessed with the need to reveal a prophecy.

From that day, I stayed up day and night to devise a strategy on how I would best assassinate her. But after laying my eyes upon her for the first time, I figured it wasn't going to be hard because firstly: she is a girl
Secondly: she doesn't seem to realize the power she has inside of her, that dark chaotic energy of hers. The same energy which made me hate her so much from the gate go.

You would not blame me for hating someone who poses a threat to my life, my family, my race, and my existence. I wasn't going to spare her life. So ladies and gentlemen to say that Ivy Myers was in high demand to be cut to death is an understatement because each one of us was prying on her. When she went to the mall when she went to school and I went as far as spying on her when she got home.

I'd watch from the woods, trying hard to fight the temptation to pounce on her and suck her life out -- when she was alone at home. I suppose the bubbly woman is her mother, most of the days she leaves early for work. From her uniform I can tell she is a nurse, hell I'd never be sent to a hospital. I didn't need those unless I'm looking for someone.

Her routines from the two weeks she wasn't going to school were pretty basic. She'd clean and freshen up, eat and watch some movies. I never got tired of observing all these basic things she did. Hoping I'd catch her summoning her powers, but nothing happened.

Now is the time. I must say my wife-to-be deserves an award for inviting Ivy to the party. The party is taking place in our house -- which probably appears all good and normal to the immortals. We did a good job with the makeover, we hid all the blood and anything suspicious, securely into the bottom basement, away from their eyes.

I chuckled when eve told me how skeptical Ivy was about this whole party idea.

"She went as far as asking if there will be vampires," Eve chuckles beside me. Her perfect, never aging, slender body wrapped up into the black sheets of my bed.

"You did a good job babe. I'm proud of you," I cup her perfect, smooth cheeks in my hands. I think I'd still love her even if she showed me her true face. Such a beauty with an intelligent mind.

"Leah was not for the idea though," Eve sighs.

"Does she know about the prophecy?" I ask, turning to her with a suddenly serious face. The instructions were clear, only members of our family and the council knew of this prophecy. If the entire population knew, some would panic and that is the last thing we needed. We still were living in disguise amongst humans.

"Of course not. I would not break the rules, not even for Leah," Eve says and with desire pilling up in her eyes, she places her lips on mine and takes me into a hungry rough kiss.

We are never gentle.

Eve is what one can call loyal. That is why our parents suited us when we were still young and had no idea what the future was holding for us. It is annoying to think that you'd be forced to love a person chosen by your parents, but this went beyond love. It is legacy and hell I'd fuck a fellow monster to see my clan grow bigger.

"Can I make it up to you after the party? You know how big tonight will be and I seriously do need a clear head for it," I whisper, pulling away from her now pale lips.

She nods. "You know I can do it right?" She questions, in an 'as a mater of fact' tone.

Is she challenging me?

"We agreed. If I do it, I get recognition and I'm heir, not my brother," I explain like I'm talking to a toddler.

Eve groans, but smiles. "I know that, I'm just saying if you need a little help here and there."

"I won't be needing it, but it's sweet of you," I kiss her forehead and she lets out a sigh. "This ends tonight," I assure her.

This ends tonight, for sure.

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