11. Big, bad wolf

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"You wouldn't dare!"

No. Please not now, not when I'm about to make the extraordinary history in the history of histories. Sounds too dramatic for the moment though but I manage to ignore him for the first few minutes.

Why did I let it get too far? I should have done it when I felt his presence that he wouldn't be able to interrupt me, for some reason I only thought it was another little wolfie playing around in areas they are not supposed to be. I did not expect him to be that Wolfie. Not after what happened the last time he was here, we both know that well enough.

"Not now," I grunt.

"Yes now," he growls in his animalistic way, a smirk is plastered on his lips and I want to wipe it off and kill him for fucks sake. He is such a pain in the ass and he knows it.

Reluctantly, I draw my mouth away from the tempting veins which just popped out of Ivy's neck, they look so big and inviting. From where I'm standing, I can feel how the blood flows through these raw veins and I lick my lips.

"Let her go," Levi spits, shaping fists on his sides.

I 'tsk' and shake my head. He never learns. The best I can do is deal with him first then move on to Ivy. She will not be a problem considering her state; close to passing out.

I grab her by the waist and hastily throw her towards Levi, I know he will want to play nice and catch her before she crushes on the ground.

As expected, he makes quick steps and gets hold of Ivy before she docks to the ground. I watch them for a moment, while he stares down at her unconscious figure.

"Ivy? Ivy wake up," he whispers to the girl in his arms.

We've done this before, haven't we? Deja Vu much.

"Do you not get tired of playing Jack and Lily or whatever the fuck those guys were...from the titanic movie." I yawn, so he knows it's getting boring. This guy is a miserable romantic and I have no idea how he falls in love with everyone, but all I care about is slaying Ivy.

"What did you do to her?" he snarls, inspects her neck for any marks.

"Nothing yet, it will take a couple of minutes before she regains her consciousness, I hope by then we will be done with the chitchat." I roll my eyes. If he is not aware of how much time he is squandering, I will let him know. With no alarm, I strike a blow to his face, which he manages to avoid because he ducks.

"Ugh c'mon," I let out an exaggerated groan. "Come and play." 

I'm looking for a way to aggravate him. Over the years I have stayed in constant hate with Levi, I have discovered that he was quite illogical when he is angry. I'm using that to my advantage right now.

He gently places Ivy's body a few feet from us but I'm not planning on touching her unless things get out of hand and I'd have to use her too.

"You want to play?" he roars, constructing fists.

On a one of one combat Levi and I are mostly equal, he has the same strength as. Karma is a fucking bitch, ain't it?

"What would Lexi think of you? Her spirit is not yet resting, you're already sticking your dick in Ivy's mouth?" I play the only card that can get me the desired anger I need from him.

In the good old days, my father taught me how important it is to use your brain in a battle. Physical strength is not enough. It's unfair but it does work. So here I am, using that wise knowledge to my advantage. Levi has always been the one with the temper growing up, it's easy to piss him off, and quick too.

"Don't fucking talk about Lexi like that," he mumbles, his voice is low and dangerous but I choose to ignore the signs and keep going.

"Oops, hit a nerve there, did I?" I place a hand to my mouth. But, I don't expect him to pounce on me and send us both grating onto the dirty ground.

"Ugh, you know I hate to get my clothes dirty, Wolfie," I utter, even when I'm lying under him.

He punches my cheek like five times in three seconds and I can see a few stars for a moment. I can taste both dirt and sweat on my tongue.

"That hurts," I mock before I shove him off me and resume my standing position.

He lands on his feet - like I expected less. Meanwhile, I only brush the dirt off of my white shirt.

"You should go, Levi, you're very far from home and it's not your place to interfere in this," I explain. "She's not your mate, she's not Lexi."

"Another fucking word of her, I swear I will stick my talons right through your heart," he speaks. I know it's a bad joke but it's hard to tell whether he is serious or not.

I shiver for a millisecond, he can't do that, can he? I'm slowly losing control of the situation, he is installing fear in me and I don't know if he can tell or not.

"Well...that'd be a very iconic way to die," I retaliate. "But Lexi-"

No. He doesn't let me finish that sentence because he jostles me and I hit a tree, hard enough for it to break. It creaks and leaves fall off of it. This boy is not playing, is he?

"Whatever sick reason you have for sucking her out, forget it, it's not happening," he says.

"What a big bad wolf you're. Levi, go home, it's not in your place to decide what happens to her. It was already written before you were even born, she's destined to die by my hands," I respond in annoyance and suddenly realize what I just did. Indirectly, I told Levi about the prophecy, now he knows how much Ivy's life is at stake.

Fuck me and my loud mouth. I can tell the turmoil spreading across Levi's face and I know this is my chance to strike. With full force, I jump him and he is laying on the ground. I reciprocate the blows he gave me earlier and I'm satisfied when his face bruises up.

He grunts under me but I refuse to get off him, I continue striking death blows hoping some of them will sever his nose. He cries out in pain and while I bask in my victory, I don't see when he grows claws from his hands and sticks two in my abdomen.

A sharp weird feeling erupts from my abdomen when he removes his claws. He shoves me off of him and I hit another tree. Its bark digs deeper into the skin on my back. I know I will heal but for now, he has the upper hand.

He calculated his moves pretty well actually, I have to hand it to him. He knows this will buy him some time to escape.

Without sparing me another glance, he picks Ivy up, who is still unconscious, to my surprise. How fragile is her spirit?

He carries her in his arms like a bride, like he is a glorified groom, the same way he carried Lexi and once again I let him walk like I always do. I fucking let him get away.

"Tell Father, I said hi." He looks at me over his shoulder. His voice is deep but there's some pain to it, he tries to hide it with a chuckle before vanishing into the shadows, as the fog engulfs the already dark woods.


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