22. A moment.

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"Who's there?" I hear Ivy's voice emerge from somewhere in the house. My heart picks up its pace, my palms are clammy, my throat runs arid, and I don't understand why I am so nervous.

She's just Ivy, I can explain to her what Levi asked me to do and just leave.

"Leah," I mumble under my breath, eyeing my black combat boots. I suddenly felt hot. Maybe wearing black jeans and a black turtle neck was not the best idea. I want to go back right now, but I wonder what I will tell Darius if he asks me what happened.

After explaining everything that transpired between Eve and I, plus Levi as well as Adam, he was left wondering why the Sinclair family would want to murder a newbie too. I was surprised that he did not shout at me for making wolf friends, he was probably way too destructed thinking about the issue at hand.

And so, he assured me that he will find out what is going on in our vampiredom because it's not our culture to just kill people without a cause known to every one of us. Darius is smart, and I know he will find a way to figure it out, until then, he permitted me to pay Levi a favor and keep Ivy safe.

He did reflect on how sad he was about Eve and I, but he said this was about loyalty and justice. I made Levi a promise, I would keep it. Even if it means I won't be Eve's friend anymore, I started the war by defending Ivy, but why would I just stand by and watch them kill her for no reason?

Was it a petty thing?

Or was it even bigger than either of us?

Either way, I have to protect Ivy until we know the truth.

"Are you just going to stand there?" Ivy speaks, forcing me to peek up and look at her. Her dark hair is braided on one side, and she looks ridiculous, but I look at the pink shirt and blue shorts she is wearing-her thighs are so smooth. I look back at her face.

"Ivy," I breathe out. "I need to talk to you."

"Okay," she says and shrugs.

I swallow the slab in my throat. "Won't you invite me in?" I ask.

Haven't you heard? Vampires can't enter a house if not invited. I am not even sure this is a good idea, what if I lose it and try to feed on her? How will I even explain myself? Hurting the same person I am supposed to protect?

"Come in," she says and walks inside the house. "My mother is working, I am home alone."

I nod another chance to hurt her. Even when her eyes are not on me, I feel nervous.

I scan the room, there's a TV on a glass stand, a round coffee table, and two dark couches, they look deep and comfortable. The walls are a warm yellow unlike my house with dark walls everywhere.

"Is my room okay?" she asks.


"Leah?" She looks back at me and I guess my face flushes because she cocks her dark eyebrows. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, your room is fine," I respond and force a smile. I hate that she makes me so nervous, I wonder how they managed to kick it off with Eve without this awkwardness. But Eve is Eve, she kicks it off with everyone, and that's her thing. She's nice and social, I can't say the same about myself.

"So, what did you want to say?" she asks as soon as we make it to her room.

My breath catches in my throat when I see how congested her room is with posters of Rihanna. It's impressive yet scary.

I take a seat on her bed, it has blue covers, and it is small. It also smells so much like her.

I cross my legs and uncross them the next minute, I can't seem to find a relaxed position.

"Do you want to sit on the chair instead?" she asks, I can tell she has seen right through me, and so with a shy nod, we switch seats. Her dresser is brown and there's a huge mirror. I stare at myself for a moment; my bangs are improper, but they have never been in place, so I shift my attention to Ivy.

"It's about Levi, he asked me to-" I bring out my phone and play the voice message Levi sent.

"Ivy, hey, I am so sorry I had to leave without telling you. Something came up, I will be staying with my father now, I will visit next summer but for now, I need you to trust me. I asked Leah to watch over you, she will explain everything, and please don't be stubborn... And I... I um...fuck, bye. See you soon."

Even I am disturbed by that voice message, what was Levi saying? Did he fail to say I love you? Wow, what a coward he is.

"So, he is gone, huh?" Ivy says, and I raise my eyes to face her.


An awkward silence settles between us, I don't know what else to say, and I am not sure what kind of relationship these two had, so I don't know what to tell her. How did Levi get Ivy to attach herself to him? He lost his Luna, is it allowed to find another Luna? Uh, that's wolf business.

"Were you guys close?" I finally crack the silence. Ivy brings her eyes from the mirror to me. I wonder why she keeps looking in the mirror, is she admiring herself? She is attractive, yes, but she is doing too much.

"We shared a moment," she says, looking down at her lap.

"A moment?"

"We," she hesitates, "we kissed. Once."


It's suddenly too hot in here.

It's suddenly too hot in here

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