18. Am I mad?

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I have no idea why my brain plays this in slow-motion and I hate it. It's gross, I want to look away but my eyes do their own thing and just stare. The view before me is too distracting, I feel like I won't be able to eat anything for days. Of course, that is exaggerated, still, I don't want to see this.

Sebastian, our very own Sebastian with a very considerable amount of piercings on his face. Right now he is running his tongue over the piercing on his bottom lip. He doesn't seem to realize this but he is sucking on it. Lord help me now!

"Ivy!" someone around the table calls out my name but my eyes land on Adam.

I know he doesn't like me but today it's gotten worse, he doesn't even want to look at me. I can imagine how irritated he feels that I'm here at this table with him, with them. Eve hasn't been as bubbly as usual, she seems low and gloomy. Must be that time of the month.

Anyway, I don't want to seem like I'm pushy so I let her be, she probably has personal things she needs to take care of that require her to be as calm as ever. Leah and Jaden left a while ago, I'm not sure what they're up to and I don't want to know.

They might be making out, just like Adam and Eve here. But I wouldn't be the one to catch them this time, my eyes have seen enough.

"Excuse me," I announce and grab my bag.

"Where are you going?" Eve asks from her comfort zone next to Adam.

"Bathroom." I jerk my thumb towards the door. She nods, I look at Adam one last time, he's glaring at me and I don't know what I did for him to hate me this much. His eyes scream 'I hate you!'.

On my way to the bathroom, I run into Levi, as in literally running into him. Yes, the same bumping into him that happens in the telenovelas, only that books don't drop to the floor and we don't get to pick them up and fall in love.

I'm wearing a scowl unconsciously on my face and it's after he notices me that he apologizes and my features soften.

"Ivy, I'm sorry. I'm kind of in a hurry," he explains but his eyes scan something behind me. I look back and all I can see is an empty hallway.

"Are you okay?" I ask.

He too has been extremely quiet today, it felt illegal to ride with him. He didn't talk much, he only made passive comments about the weather; seriously who fucking talks about the weather? I figured he is not in the right mood to talk or is he upset with me because I kissed him?


"Yes, are you?" He finally gives me some attention. I'm ashamed of what I'm wearing, I don't look sexy today. I'm packed up in blue boyfriend jeans and a white t-shirt with sneakers. Not sexy at all.

"Can we talk about the kiss?" I go straight to the point.

He squints his eyes. "Did you not like it?"

"No, no I loved it. Just wondering why you're so...." I sweep my hand up and down his tall figure. "I don't know."

"Oh, Ivy," he places a quick kiss on my forehead. Oh! "I'm just rushing to my next class, I will see you after school."

"Ok-" He doesn't even let me finish because he walks away. I stare at him for a moment until he disappears from my view. I proceed and make my way to the bathroom. I first check the stalls luckily, they're empty. I drop my bag on the sink board and take in a sharp breath.

"Hi, you ran away last night," she speaks.

This time I don't run, I'm just surprised. Is this real? I thought I was dreaming last night, but how's it happening in the real world?

"Who are you?" I ask.

She rolls her eyes. "I'm getting tired of the introductions, Ivy, my name's Vera."

"Okay, why are you talking? You're not supposed to talk, I'm not supposed to talk."

She folds her arms over her chest when mine only grab the sink board. How's this possible?

"Am I going crazy?" I ask.

"No, but you're going to die if you don't drop the act and listen to me."

What? I'm going to die? Why? What did I do? I'm still young, I can't die now. Why would I die?

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"I hate how oblivious you're pretty girl, anyway I will run you through it real quick before someone walks in here and thinks you're nuts." I observe how she talks, it's faster than I do. I don't talk like that.

"Why are you talking like that?" I ask.

"Like what?"


She scoffs. "Dude, your life, our lives are in danger and you're concerned with how I talk? Are you mad?"

"Yes, maybe. I don't know anymore."

I seriously, don't know what's real or not. I'm probably hallucinating or dreaming but I don't know how to wake up.

"You need to try some weed, I heard its fire. Listen to me, Ivy, we were fated to die at the hands of a certain vampire guy-"

"Vampires are real?" I ask, eyes widening. "I know they were real, I mean do they exist here? I knew it, it's so creepy, I tried telling Mom, she doesn't buy it. Maybe she will believe now."

"Whoa! Hold up, Mom's not coming in on this. It's basically about her safety and bla bla bla. Can we get back to business? I don't have all day to explain what you need to do." She rolls her eyes.

I don't roll my eyes that often. She's me but the opposite and how does she know all this?

"It's happening tonight, when you feel a tingling sensation, don't fight it, just let me possess you for a few seconds, I deal with this then we will all be fine." She cocks an eyebrow. "Understood?"

"How do you know all this?"

"We have to chat later, someone is coming, they might think you're nuts," Vera warns.

"No wait, don't g-" The door bursts open and I turn to look at the three girls that walk in.

"Omg, are you okay?" One of them asks.

I'm shocked, do I look sick? I look back in the mirror and there she is smiling at me with her crooked smile. Are these girls seeing her?

She winks. "Told ya!"


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