6. Run along.

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I force a smile as I approach Eve and the group, they all seem to have turned and are now staring at me. I feel uncomfortable, but what did I expect wearing this to school? It's not like I'm the only one wearing a short skirt, but the fact that I'm the new girl and I appear slutty on my second day of school is, in fact, disturbing.

"Hi," I smile, finally standing in a spot around the circle.

"Hey, Ives, well, you look hot," Eve compliments, looking at my outfit.

"What happened to you?" Leah asks, I look at her, of course, the boyfriend is standing next to her with his hand entangled in hers.

Love sweet love.

"You brought some fire with you," the guy with the piercings speaks as well, it's like everyone is pouring out their minds and I don't even know how to respond.

They continue talking about my outfit and I make the grave mistake of all times, I know I shouldn't, but I'm curious. He is the only one who did not say anything about my outfit, hell, he didn't even say anything to me. Our eyes meet, and I hold my breath, he has smoky brown eyes which appear black from a distance, they're boring into mine and I feel like I'm dissolving under his calculative gaze. It's as though he wonders who am I and why his friends trust me. Too soon.

"Hi," a voice whisper's to me and my eyebrows furrow, At that moment he averts his gaze to Eve, and as though showing me how much I'm lonely-he wraps his hand around Eve's shoulder.


"By the way, have I introduced you to my friends?" Eve asks, she is loud and the only one talking.

I shake my head, no.

I'd like to know them-especially him.

"Well this is Leah, my best friend, that is Jaden her boyfriend if it's not clear yet," she pauses and rolls her eyes. Oh, so they all know how lovie-dovie these two are.

"This is Sebastian, he is single and loves piercings," Sebastian waves at me and sucks on the piercing under his bottom lip, gross. I'm not a fan of those, I hate pain.

"This is Karen, she doesn't like people," The girl with chocolate brown skin only looks at me and smirks-okay?

"There's more of us, some are not here yet. Anyway, this is Adam, my boyfriend," she says and looks at the so-called Adam, she kisses his lips passionately, and I want to look away, but I can't, somehow taken aback... So, yesterday was real, I found them screwing, and they're okay with that?

"Are those nicknames?" The question which has been lingering in my head finally escapes my lips.

They all turn to me like that is the stupidest question they have ever heard, yeah, me too.

"Us? No," Eve looks at her boyfriend. "Should I tell her?"

Tell me what?

The boy only shrugs. His black shiny hair is never going to be in order because it is tousling over his forehead, and it's disturbing. His dark eyes seem sleepy and sexy-no, I did not mean that. He is wearing dark jeans and a dark shirt. Is he always wearing black? Finally, he look at me, but with such distaste.

Not going to be best friends.

"We are the soon-to-be Mr. and Mrs. Sinclair!" Eve announces with such pride.


"You're getting married?" I ask, there's no way to mask the shock on my face. I can only imagine how my eyes are popping out.

She Came To Stay. GxG (COMPLETE)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ