14. Pink flipflops.

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"You have no idea, how much I missed your stupidly cute face!" Mon shouts from the kitchen as soon as I walk through the front door.

"Mom?" I follow her to the kitchen, taking my time to scan her; the hair is tied into a neat ponytail over her head, and she is wearing a blue body hugging dress that brings out her hips and tiny waist. On top of that, she has a white apron. "Are you psyche now?"

She turns to me. "Look at you." She places the hot pan on the table and removes the enormous, thick red gloves then opens her arms to pull me in. She feels so warm and I want to cry in her arms but I hold back.

"Are you okay?" I ask.

"Yes, guess you're hungry, didn't Sandy prepare you something to eat?" She pulls away to inspect my face.

"She did, I just wanted to come and eat here, I missed you," I inform her and she draws a chair for me to sit. I don't hesitate to dig into the pie she presents.

"Whoa, slow down."

"I'm sorry," I mumble with a mouthful of pie. My speech comes out muffled as I giggle.

"I was worried about you, I'm glad, Levi, came to pick you up from the party," she pauses to glare at me. "Sandy said you were drunk when he found you."

Sandy ratted me out?

I wet my dry lips, how do I explain myself? I've only been here a few weeks but I'm already going to parties and getting drunk? Partying is not new but getting drunk is, my mother deserves a nice explanation for my misbehavior.

"Mom, I.."

"I understand, you were trying stuff out, besides you're a teenager now. It's normal to be curious at your age, I just need you to be careful." She places her hand over mine on the table. Something that surprises me more than anything, since when does she understand?

"I don't get it, why are you not mad at me?" I inquire. This is dubious and I'm about to find out what is happening. Did she do something to my room while I was away and she's trying to make up for it? She tells me how Rihanna isn't her best artist, but would she go that far?

She chuckles, silly enough to make me believe there's something behind this play-nice charade.

"Don't get me wrong honey, I just understand. But if you showed up at my house drunk, I'd whoop your ass." She gives me a fake smile before wiggling her hand. It's her sass move, I only giggle and nod.

So, Levi picked me up from the party? I must have been too drunk to even remember any of that. My mind drifts back to Eve and Adam. Oh, Adam's jacket - custom made. Did I rip the buttons? It sure would have been fun, but I don't remember giving it back to him either.

And my phone?

Just when I'm faltering in my questions, a knock sounds at the door and like any other time, I think it is a vampire. I look at my mother who doesn't wait until further notice to open the door.

We need to check the perimeter first in case we are under attack!

"Hi," she greets, by her friendly tone I can tell it's someone she knows. Could be one of the people from Levi's house. They are the only people we know.

"I brought this for, Ivy," a deeper voice speaks. I immediately recognize it, it's funny how he says 'Ivy' and I have gotten used to it. Just today he's called my name thousand times to ask if I'm alright. I drift back to when he touched me, my waist to be specific. That sure did not fail to send shivers down my spine, but he was just helping me out. Self-explanatory.

But nothing can explain why we kissed, I don't know why he kissed me. Or why I kissed him, but it felt like heaven to me. Even when he'd freeze and hesitate from time to time, I didn't miss a chance to devour his perfect dark lips.

It was beautiful, like nothing I have ever experienced before. A kiss that took place in less than five minutes will fill up three pages in my diary.

"Ivy?" Mom's voice brings me back from my sinful thoughts. "Levi's here for you."

I suddenly become conscious of how I look. I haven't showered yet, I'm still wearing the same clothes and fuck, I can not imagine how my hair is. With a grumble, I straightened my dress and wet my lips before standing in front of my mother.

There he is, as sexy as ever. Perhaps even sexier. It's as though each time I look at him, he finds an excuse to become sexier. He looks hot and fresh, like he's straight from a nice, warm, and relaxing bath.

His curls tower over his forehead, and they glister under that cheap light of our porch. A pure white shirt clings to his broad, lovely, and mesmerizing torso. I draw my eyes to the dark jeans and surprisingly, flip-flops. Pink is the color, can you imagine?

I bite my lower lip, biting back a laughter. Those look ridiculous on him.

"Are those yours?" I can't help it.

He looks at his feet and lets out a chuckle. He doesn't say anything about the flip-flops but he extends his hand to give me back my phone.

"Battery died, I misplaced my charger, sorry," he explains.

That poor phone. I grab it from his hands and for a moment we silently stared at each other. Why  is he staring at me?

"I just brought your phone, goodnight."

"See you at school." I wave and watch him walk away, his back view as gorgeous as the front.

As soon as he leaves I head to my room and decide to take a quick shower before bed. By the time I'm done with that steaming hot bath, the entire bathroom as well as the mirror is covered in steam. I sigh and wipe the mirror with my hand, clearing it to look at myself.

I stare at my face, my hair is wet and it clings to my face. My lips look swollen and I smile for a second before something very disturbing happens.

"Hi, it's high time we met!" the person in the mirror utters.

With wide eyes growing wider, I gasp. I want to run but my legs won't move. I'm too dumbfounded to even scream out for help.

"My name is Vera," I speak. No, my mirror image speaks. "I have waited for this moment my whole life."



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