28. The truth.

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"No, it's not my turn!" Leah explodes. She seems upset, and I can't help but laugh. I make the mistake of glancing over at Darius, who is not even trying to hold back his laughter, and we both burst.

Leah glares at us, but that doesn't stop either of us from laughing.

She is pathetic at this game.

Tonight I was supposed to hang out with Leah, but she said she had this family thing going on with Darius where they get to spend the evening together.

In simple terms, she was supposed to have some family tome.

Then she invited me.

I declined at first. Darius needed her too, seeing as the last couple of weeks I have kept her to myself and myself only. I was selfish, and I needed to give her some space to be with her brother, but I couldn't say no the second time.

It's been close to two months now since Eve vanished into thin air. It felt like peace for a little while, and so I met Darius, such a nice person, even nicer in person. He is the one who filled me up on what is going on in their vampire kingdom, even with all the details I did not wish to know.

Sadly, Adam died. Eve just lost it, so she vanished without saying anything to anyone, not even to the infamous Eros. Adam's ruthless brother is the one who walked in his father's footsteps. Not only Is he Hermis' favorite, but also the heir of the kingdom, and that is why Adam wanted to murder me to take the throne from his brother and prove himself to his father.

So much for being a king.

Aside from that, he did not reveal anything about my curse or whatever Vera keeps bubbling about.

Ah, now that I have mentioned her, I miss her.

I glance at the silver jar in the center of the room, there's my reflection there, and Vera smiles at me. I am thankful she doesn't say anything, over the weeks we grew close. She as well fills me up on the basics of magic and everything else I needed to know.

I still haven't told Leah that I practice magic. I hate it, even when Vera tries to convince me otherwise. It's still a curse, and I never asked for it. She says if I leaned to embrace it, I wouldn't be so hard on myself, but how do I embrace something that was imposed on me?

"I have my eyes on you big guy," Leah says before she shuffles the cards for another round. I can win this round too, besides it is not illegal to use a little magic to peek at your opponent's cards, is it?

"Oh, don't be such a whinny." Darius winks at me. I look away, blushing.

"Oh, get a room!" Leah exclaims.

We laugh. Darius' phone cuts our moment short when it rings.

"It's Lucy," he says, and excuses himself.

"Who is Lucy?" I turn to Leah, curious.

"His girlfriend." Leah rolls her eyes, "I hate to be the one to break your heart, I know you guys have some pathetic thing-"


"Oh, I see it, Ivy. You like him, and he likes you too, but I must warn you, Lucy is ruthless yet sweet. Careful."

"Relax, I respect your brother and wouldn't want to come between them." I drop my eyes to my laps, "I already did enough with you and Eve."

"Princess, don't be silly. So, you stay the night, or must I drop you home?" Leah asks, and instantly my heart drops to my stomach, she has never asked me that before. No matter how late it is, she always drops me home.

She Came To Stay. GxG (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now