13. Not the one.

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I nervously pace the floor of our living room, the brown carpet is soft under my feet but it doesn't soothe me. With a hand placed to my mouth, I can't stop biting into my knuckles.

"Levi, will you relax?" Sandy speaks from where she is seated. Besides her lays an unconscious Ivy. She's so still, I wonder if she's alive.

What did Adam do to her? 

Earlier, I asked Sandy to prepare a portion to create a temporary barrier over her. It won't necessarily throw the vampires away, but it will keep her safe until we figure out what exactly to do.

"What is wrong, Levi?" Sandy presses.

"Last night, Adam said something about this being said before I was born," I state.

"What do you mean?"

I take in a sharp breath before sitting next to her. "He said this was supposed to happen, someone must have foreseen it. Ivy has to die by Adam's hand."

Sandy places her hand on my shoulder and massages it softly. "But what can we do about it? If it was written then who are we to chang-"

"She can't die!" I interrupt, standing back up. Rage roams inside my gut and I dislike the idea of Ivy dying. The sudden need to protect her at all costs surges over me and Sandy is not helping.

"I understand that, but you can't change things, Levi," she speaks with the same amount of conviction I dread.

"Sandy, stop! Just stop!"

I storm off. I need to clear my head. I need to think. My heart is beating so fast and so loud. As soon as the door to my room creaks open, Lawd - as though he's been waiting for me to reach the peak of my annoyance - speaks.

"Well, you of all people should know not to get attached," he growls.

"Fucking stop."

"Let me out. Let me finish them, let me tear them down into tiny pieces," he says.

As tempting as that is, I can't let him use his power to fight this. It needs more brains and less violence but I can't think when he keeps breathing down my neck. This won't work. I run a hand through my hair and successfully ignore Lawd.

That doesn't last long because on their own my bones break and I know he wants to come out. I climb on my window and jump into the backyard. The dark forest behind our compound welcomes me.

I manage to transform into my wolf form easily, it doesn't hurt as much as it did when I first transformed. My transformation happened earlier and Sandy never told me why. My guess is I am supposed to be the alpha of my pack, but I don't have one anymore.

My mother died when giving birth to me and Sandy who was her best friend at the time tried to save her but that resulted in all her powers being drained by the council for helping a traitor.

With full force, Lawd rips out of me, tearing all my clothes away and leaping into the forest. He growls as he goes at a higher speed with each second that passes. He's been inside for days now and it's fit to say he missed this. I can hear the tree branches creaking, the leaves shimmering as the wind blows. With each step I take, the soil beneath me lifts and I like it.

When I feel satisfied, I stand still. I look up at the tiny half-moon above me and my insides turn. It will be the full moon soon and we all know what happens. The young lycanthropes are unable to control the urge to bite down anything with a heartbeat. Then, some of us who can control it are in charge of keeping them at bay.

"I didn't expect to see you here," a familiar voice speaks. By the strong scent, I can tell it's him.

There he stands, his hands safely tucked into the pockets of his shorts, Brad, my best friend. And that is how I know I am in another territory, quite far away from home.

"Brad," I utter but I don't transform back into my human form.

He takes slow steps toward me with a smile. His skin is a bright olive, his hair is chestnut brown and so are his eyes. His lips are full and dark.

I wait for him to reach where I stand in my huge, wolf form.

"Been a while," Brad says, reaching out to smooth his over my brown fur. "I heard about Lexi, I'm sorry."

I howl and look away, we can communicate, he knows I don't want to talk about it.

"Sia misses you," he informs me.

"How's she doing?"

"Fine, she wants to take your mother's place on the council."

I scoff. Sia is always ambitious and I am proud of her, I'm just not sure what the pack leaders will think.

Sia is my elder sister. My mother had her first before she went on and cheated on her husband then had me. Somehow, I blame her for this, I blame her for my lack of family. If she didn't make that grave mistake, I wouldn't be here today. I'm not complaining, Sandy gave up all her powers to save us but it's still not enough.

Brad Bane is not only my best friend but also my informant, seeing as we don't stay together anymore.

If anyone was to find out that he still contacts me, he would be punished by death. I am the outsider, the bastard child and it is a crime to even look at me with affection. The boy in front of me risks his life though.

"Levi!" I hear Sandy's voice, and instantly I look back in the direction I came from. I know something is happening, and I need to head back.

"Same place, same time?" I turn to Brad.

He gives me a gentle pat on my neck before I leap away towards my house. In no time, I'm climbing up my bedroom window butt naked because Lawd was too excited to let me get out of my clothes first.

"Mom, be there!" I grab some pants and a shirt. Putting it on while rushing down the stairs. Sandy has her hand on Ivy's forehead. "She's awake."

My eyes dart from her to Ivy who is letting out low groans but slowly opening her eyes. Her dark hair is in a frenzy and her lips look dry. Her skin is not as pale and I am not sure whether she is cold or not.

"Ivy? How do you feel?" I ask as soon as she sits up.

"Better. My body doesn't hurt anymore." She curves her lips into a reassuring smile.

"I will take her home, Barb must be worried." I turn Sandy who seems to have frozen for a second but she nods and gives Ivy a small pat on the shoulder.

The warm evening breeze smashes both our faces as we walk to her house. A silence not too comfortable settles between us, but I don't say anything. I keep my hands in my pockets.

"Thank you for taking care of me, Levi," she says once we are standing on the porch. The wood beneath us creaks and we both smile.

I nod. "Of course."

She doesn't say anything, but I can tell by how rapid her heartbeat just got that she's about to try something. I don't wish to make it harder so I lean in and press my lips on hers. At that exact moment, a sudden shock-like force runs through me, I want to pull away. This is new and disturbing, but I continue and hope it doesn't happen again.

But I'm wrong, as she runs her tongue over mine gently, I feel it again and it's too overwhelming to ignore.

I place my hands on her rosy cheeks and pull away. She only bites her bottom lip and I let her go, she walks inside and I can hear voices. Should be Barbara, she's always loud.

With a sigh, I walk back to my house. As soon as I open the door, Sandy looks at me with sad eyes. She knows something.

"Something happened when I..." I trail off.

"I saw it when she woke up." She stares at me. "She's not the one," she utters and I'm surprised that my heart feels like it's crashing. Again.


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