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So, I've decided that -- while confusing on some occasions and kind of rushed with certain plot points, relationships, and character development -- I'm gonna rewrite Save Point.

While, yes... It /would/ technically be a rewrite of a rewrite, I had fun writing this, and from the looks of it, others enjoyed it, too!

So, while I'm currently busy with college and working on other stories in my new account, Save Point's new and improved prologue will be out by mid December of this year, but on my new account instead of this one.

With that said, take care and see you soon. <3

(P.S. I still read the comments every once in a while, even if I'm unable to reply as I used to. I tend to receive them via email notifs whenever I log back in, and I'm really happy to see people still read this story, despite how long it's been and despite all its flaws.)

Save Point (Sans x Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ