Chapter Fifty-Five, Part Three

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Familiar arms hold your waist when you wake up. Equally known surroundings and scents immediately drive out the awareness of being home. You turn to your left to see Sans sleeping next to you, chest barely moving as no snores leave him -- ones you had quickly gotten used to during the first few days you moved in with him. He shifts and moves closer to your side, how cold everything feels despite the bedsheets and the warmth he often exuded when around you nulled by your senses.

Something's not right, yet you can't move or do anything about it.

You try to wake him, though he barely responds, only making his hold on you stronger. 

"W- Wake up," you stutter, mouth dry and throat raspy.

He doesn't move.

A new face enters the room, announced by the door opening and footsteps dragging against the floor. Faust greets you, eyes lacking their usual brightness as he instead shields himself with a blanket and an ice pack. He presses them both close to him and takes a step forward, placing the blanket over Sans's body and the ice pack on your forehead. Then, he sniffles, wiping a tear off his face as he turns around and exits the room, unresponsive when you try to call for his name -- voice still gone by reasons unknown to you.

You flinch when you feel a hand on the back of your neck, a kiss being pressed against it. Looking behind you, Sans has his eye sockets open, while his hand's busy toying with your ear, tracing its shape as he stares blankly -- at nothing in particular.


You're allowed only little movement, enough to turn and stare directly at him. He doesn't notice the change and continues to gaze at nothing.

Persisting, you muster as much strength as you can and aim at his face, grabbing his cheekbones and yelling out his name. 

As soon as you do, the cold lowers and nature's song takes over your hearing. Adjustment to your senses takes a while, though you're aided by hands helping you sit up and stay still. You can't open your eyes without dizzying, so you wait until the moment passes. Sans calls out for you, how real his touch feels causing you to look and see him, a view that's promptly blocked when he pulls you into his hold.

"Don't go anywhere," he warns, letting go after. "I need to go call the others."

He stands up from bed, urging you to take action and pull the sheets away from you. Before you can so much as stand on your feet though, the monster's back with more people, all of them who rush to your side, some hugging you and some asking over your well-being, none of them you can register as you mind tries to adjust to change.

"What's. . . What's going on?" you ask, breathing in when Faust joins your side, how comforting his presence is helping you gain stability. "Am I dreaming -- dead?"

"Uh, gonna be honest with ya, cupcake," Sans speaks up, a nervous chuckle leaving his teeth. "We thought you were. That shock you got back there was enough to give even me a heart attack."

"What happened back there? I. . . I don't remem-" A sharp pain stings your forehead, the flash that appears next one your brain cancels almost immediately. "I-"

"Don't," he warns, approaching your side. He joins Faust in the hug, sitting next to you in bed as he rests a hand behind your neck, similar to before. The ghost of his kiss is still there, made stronger by his touch, and the look he gives you. "You, uh, don't wanna remember that yet. You just woke up -- wouldn't be good to bring that image back again."

"Please, at least tell me what's going on," you plead, holding him back when he makes a move to stand up. "If I'm not dead, then. . . What happened? Wasn't Flowey-"

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