Chapter Forty-Three, Part One

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2021 Notice

This chapter has been modified to fix Napstablook's pronouns.

I wrote this story around 3 to 4 years after I watched the playthrough of the game, so I accidentally used male pronouns rather than gender-neutral ones when referring to them!

It's been fixed and will be fixed for the remaining chapters. Using Google search, I determined there are around 7 more chapters and the epilogue that have this issue, so these will be fixed by July 2021. :-)

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The new law has almost every parent around the school on edge, children around the same age as Faust showing their own concerns over the possible changes that would come during winter vacation. You shimmy through the crowd huddled in front of Toriel's door, being extra careful with your injuries as you squeeze in, brush shoulders, and excuse yourself with the people you bump into.

"Take it easy, guys. I know tensions are high, but you can't just ram into the principal's office like that." Undyne's voice can be heard in the middle of all the worried murmurs and whispers of the audience, her scaly blue skin and red hair standing out amongst human parents. "Everything will stay the same, so there's no need for you to wait here unless it's to see your kids' grades. We'll still have the winter gathering and we'll still keep teaching so long as there's people still willing to study here."

"Isn't this all (L/N)'s fault? They should've kept a low profile after that whole scandal with them dating one of your tutors here!" a man exclaims, how angry and nearby his voice sounds making you fear he could attack you were he to spot you.

"It's not just (L/N) who's doing things like that!" another voice chimes in, blatant disapproval in her voice. "Any human who decided to sign their kids up into this school's also an accomplice. We would have to stay completely separate from monsters if we didn't want this to happen."

"Then what're we gonna do now? I can't afford to lose my job just for lettin' my kid stay in this school!" the same man speaks up again, distress replacing his anger. "How am I supposed to break the news to her?"

"And what are we supposed to do?" a bunny monster asks, blue fur spiking as his ears perk up. "My family depends on the job I have, but I can't keep it if that new law's for real!"

Undyne massages her temples as one voice keeps talking over another, chaos erupting in the form of words unable to be understood by how many different topics and voices there are. Concerned, you keep pushing yourself past the crowd, the brown bear meant to look after Faust's friend shielding you with his body from incoming elbows and shoulders. His large figure is enough for him to stand firm and unshaken as people keep trying to push themselves in.

"Whatever the changes will be, this school will still maintain its policy of never charging for education. I'm afraid the rest would be in the hands of the governor and the higher-ups of this city, so I can't say anything beyond that's a secure statement." She gives a pause in her words to straighten her posture, Sans and Gerson appearing next to her. "Those who want to see the final grades can step into the office, but the rest have to leave. Please cooperate if you want things to stay calm."

There's a few muttered complaints shared between parents before the group starts to break up, most leaving and only a few staying. You're left with around ten humans and double the quantity of monsters, in including the bear you were now close acquaintances with. Those who left are currently spread out around the school, frowns and scowls on their faces as they discuss the future of what awaited them.

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