Chapter Fifty-Five, Part One

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"When justice is gone, ritual will follow. Ritual is the product of scant integrity; the beginning of chaos." – Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching | Chapter 38

You've already lost count of how many times you've been in court by now. Rather than spending your day relaxing at home or with family and close friends on New Year's Eve, you're getting ready to finish what you've started. The mayor's late once more, a surprise for few and an expected outcome for many. You've had zero contact with the judge aside from her asking over your and the others' well-being, yet you manage to catch her right before she goes past the double doors leading to the courtroom.

"Can you please tell me why you've kept quiet about our case, Your Honour?" you ask, finally. Your breath hitches in your throat, and you find it difficult not letting your tone or words waver with uncertainty. "Are we. . . Are we in trouble? If so, please tell me the truth. I can handle it."

The judge faces you and frowns, sighing when she sees how onset you seem on getting a response. "I cannot disclose that information with you, (L/N), and for that, I apologize. You must wait until the mayor arrives for the final judgment to be made."

Feeling yourself grow irritated, you can only hope the mayor has a reasonable excuse for being late yet again. You find the locket under your shirt and grasp it tight, trying to find solace amongst your rising doubts. "I understand." you reply, nodding. "Thanks again for finding that hospital. I'm. . . I'm pretty sure you saved his life, Your Honour."

"Oh please, don't exaggerate, (L/N)," she counters, letting out a laugh before regaining her formality. "I only did what was necessary for his safety, though I do wish for his prompt recovery all the same -- And is that a ring, I see?"

You stay still, snapping out of your shock when you realize she's referring to the ring you finally decided to wear along with your everyday outfits. While everyone knew about your engagement -- mainly for the newspapers, reporters, and general rarity of the situation -- you had forgotten you hadn't shown any public 'proof' of it until today. Today, you were devoted to carry it through the remainder of the case, no matter what the mayor commented about it. Today, you were to fight until the very end, no matter ending in failure or success. Closure of any kind was necessary, even if unjust.

Gaining confidence, you tweak the ring towards a better angle and smile, ready to take on the mayor and your case once and for all. "It is -- I've been wearing it more often ever since he got admitted into the hospital. And I guess I might've. . . Proposed to him back?"

The judge raises an eyebrow, a smile breaking her distant exterior and changing it for a more approachable look. She giggles, speaking up afterwards. "Care to explain? That might be the first time I've ever heard of something like that!" Her smile widens, providing a temporary path for you to gain a closer bond with her. "I would like to imagine it means you gave him a ring back, then?"

"Exactly," you answer, returning her smile. "I did it on Christmas Eve. Had been saving up for it since the day he proposed to me first -- and so I figured that was the best time to do it. It's. . . one of Faust's favourite holidays, after all."

"I'm glad you did. Not only Faust seems happier lately, but I believe Sans looks more cheerful these days, too -- quite a change compared to last time."

"You've met with him recently?" Her words light a candle of curiosity, making you blurt out that question without thinking it twice. "Isn't he still supposed to stay in the city?"

The judge's smile barely falters, instead brightening when being asked more over the subject. "He is, but I visited him yesterday morning. He really looks to have recovered a lot since the last time I went there."

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