Chapter Forty-Eight

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Content Warnings Include:

Mild suggestive content.

Discretion is advised for those younger than 13.

"Poetry, beauty, romance, love. . . These are what we stay alive for." - Dead Poets Society

Third Person POV

Sans's Perspective

Puzzled, Sans stares blankly at his room, twin bed the only problem he had left to solve.

If there was one thing he disliked about the new house, it was how exceedingly spacious it was compared to the one at the Underground, enough to make him hear the echoes of his footsteps whenever he walked past a room scarce of furniture or decor.

Where it made up with room to spare, it lacked in furniture. Only a small and green couch, a television set, a miniature bookshelf, and a worn-out coffee table occupied the living room, and only a twin bed along with his work desk filled the emptiness of his bedroom.

Was he really expecting to have (Y/N) move in when he pretty much occupied most of the furniture in the room all on his own?

Sans sits down on the edge of the bed first, laying down on it next, almost no space left for another person to fit comfortably in, much less a human almost twice as big as him. He was big-boned, sure, but (Y/N) was almost on the same level as Undyne and Mettaton. While Faust could easily take up Papyrus's old room, there was much to be said about the older human he had proposed to -- the one he had fallen asleep on with as much ease as he would on his bed after a long day of work and being out.

He imagines bringing in a bed similar to the one at Mettaton's hotel: big enough to fit both him and the human, yet small enough to come in contact with them if he were to turn around or shift a little closer.

(Y/N)'s old bed was out of the question. Their old house was a minefield of bad memories, the fact he had once slept in that same place days before the day Jessie had tried to commit both assault and murder in sending chills down his spine. It was still too complicated for him to bring up the subject of how they were handling that themselves without making it awkward.

He couldn't understand why the human would want to go back there just to retrieve holiday decorations for the school, either. Toriel and the others had already taken up the job of retrieving their and Faust's belongings while the human was unconscious, so there was no need to look for anything else. Living and reliving the past was what made the monster feel uneasy with the silence and emptiness in the first place.

"Are you almost done, Sans? We will be late if we don't leave soon!"

Papyrus interrupts him from going too deep into those thoughts. He sits up straight in bed to see his brother waiting at the doorway, annoyed expression changing into one of confusion and subtle concern when he stands up.

"Were you sleeping again?" his brother questions, glaring at him. "I told you to take those vitamins if you were still having trouble with that!"

"No," Sans replies, breathing air out of his nose cavity and furrowing his gaze. "I was just testing somethin' out. Figured I'd give things another check 'fore (Y/N) and Faust move in."

"Will the taller human be sleeping with you?

"I'd have to find another bed first -- This one's too small for us."

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