Extra #7: Choice #4 Results

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Choice A

You accept the star’s offer, the warmth it exuded slowly fading away as its shine begins to grow dim. It continues to do so until the star and its gradually fainting light vanish completely from your sight. 

Now gone, you’re left with the person and their body holding you still, the dust and smoke caused by the destruction of your surroundings making it difficult for you to see who it is. You can only see as far as moving blurs of red, black, and blue, other colourful figures of varying shapes rushing this way and that as they dodge what you interpret to be bullets, kicks, and punches.

“Heads down!” a person shouts, voice sounding gruff and dry. 

Blurry figures hunch down one after the other, a ‘boom’ making the walls shake as another person clad in pink and black emerges from the hole that’s made to the building, the bright morning sun shining over them. You’re lifted by the one holding you still once debris stops falling, a strong, light-headed feeling surging in you, panic and loss of blood becoming the main obstacles for you to keep your eyes open and see what was going on.

“Keep on walking!” a second voice exclaims, a roaring thunder to their voice. “We need to get out of here, now.

You can feel the person’s arms tighten firmly around your body as you’re lifted off the ground, pain numbing your thoughts and leaving you no other choice but to let your mind wander and eventually shut down. The last thing you hear right as you pass out is the cacophony of people fighting, yelling, and running as they rush to leave the building. A lingering warmth in your fingertips from having touched the star is the last thing you feel as pain and exhaustion are replaced by you losing your consciousness.

Choice B

You reject the star’s offer, keeping your hand outstretched to continue feeling its warmth. Though it doesn’t seem threatening, you’re not sure what it could do if you were to accept its offer. You had heard very little about how the residual magic of your ancestors’ spell cast to keep monsters underground in turn enabled certain things to work differently than when on the Surface. It was rumoured the Underground provided second chances for those who were most determined, though you didn’t know what that implied when at the Surface. Up here, there hadn’t been one case even close to similar to Frisk’s, so choosing to save felt like a risky action to you.


The gunshot noise snaps you out of your observation, the feeling of a bullet barely missing your arm encouraging you to stay back. You pull your hand away from the star, blurry vision seeing bright red contrast with the (s/t) shade of your skin as blood trickles all the way down.

Shouts and warnings for people to duck their heads fill the room as an explosion makes the building tremble. A hole is left on one of the walls when you look up again, the early morning sun shining on a blurry figure dressed in pink and black. 

You take cover as so does the person standing with you, waiting until chunks of concrete and zinc stop falling and flying off the explosion. You’re lifted from the ground with no warning whatsoever, the sudden lurch making your muddled vision and faint consciousness falter further in their strength. Blood loss makes it almost impossible for you to stay awake for longer than a few more seconds, the cries for people to start evacuating the building being the last thing you hear as you allow yourself to pass out.

Choice C

Rather than rejecting or accepting the star’s offer, you choose to reach out for it, the warmth it projected a soft, comforting one. It grows stronger when your hand makes full contact with the star, palm resting against it. A faint, yellow aura begins to emerge from it, gradually growing stronger until it covers up just enough field for you to be covered in its light, warmth intensifying as energy returns to your body by a small degree -- just enough to keep your eyes open and hear a loud ‘boom’ from nearby, walls shaking as a hole is made into one of them. The blurry image of the person holding you down is covered by the same aura as you are, protecting the both of you from chunks of debris that fly off with the explosion while others resort to ducking their heads.

When it’s over, the light vanishes, the person holding you back wrapping their arms tightly around you as they make you stand up, dizziness overcoming your body with the sudden pull.

“Go, go, go!” a voice demands, urging everyone to leave the building. “Let's keep moving!”

Too overcome by blood loss and pain, you can only hang on tight to the person’s back, closing your eyes shut as you start drifting off to sleep. Voices continue shouting as you’re held strong and rushed out of the building, a final gunshot coming from behind you. You can feel it graze your ear, though you don’t feel either pain rise or blood gush, a grand difference from the leg and arm injuries still begging for medical attention. 

The last thing you hear is of people cheering ‘we lost them’, voices panting with the effort the run had taken them. Feeling safer, you breathe a shaky sigh and let your exhaustion take over completely.

Choice D

You pull your hand back, not quite trusting what saving could do. While you had heard about the aftermaths your ancestors’ magic left on the Underground, you weren’t sure if it would have the same effects when being on the Surface. Based on what you studied after monsters were set free, second chances were given to those who were most determined, though -- as far as you knew -- that only applied to those who fell into the Underground. You choose not to save just yet, wanting to gather more knowledge on the subject before diving head-first into it. Instead, you watch as the star fades away, leaving a lingering warmth behind.

An explosion breaks your attention away from your thoughts, making you look towards the noise to see a hole carved in the wall, sun shining over a blurry figure clad in pink and black. You take cover by ducking as cement flies from all directions, the people surrounding the building having stopped in their fight to do the same. 

Not a moment after the coast is clear, the person holding you down stands up and carries you with them, grabbing onto you tightly as they begin to run and evacuate the room, allies escaping the enemy’s grasp and following after you and them. 

Dizzied by pain and blood loss, you try to blink a few times in a vain attempt at keeping your strength, wanting to see where you would be taken to. You don’t last for much longer than a few seconds, though -- the last thing you see being the greenery of the outdoors and the sound of people cheering when they make it out of the building. You let your weariness overtake your body when you’re placed down, closing your eyes when the sun shines over you.

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