Chapter Forty-One, Part One

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Weren't there a strong, aching pain surrounding your arm and leg, you would've brushed off recent events as mere nightmares, familiar premises making your body relax as you take in the room. The scent of cinnamon permeates in the air and the yellow bed sheets feel and smell fresh out of the dryer. There's a slice of pie and a glass of water set next to painkillers, bandages, and gauzes of all brands. Curious, you lift the sheets and stare down at the clothes you're wearing, the bright purple that meets your eye almost welcoming you back to life. The white logo in the center looks similar to the clothes you had seen on Toriel outside of work, and it's only when you shift your legs that you notice it's a dress -- or a tunic, given the overall, unisex appeal of the clothing. It didn't hug your body or show off anything beyond your hands and neck, the goat lady's preferred style letting itself known.

You try to stand up from the bed, gathering all the strength you possibly could. A constrained wince leaves your mouth when you turn your leg to a position opposite to the stitches that were made, warning you to be careful in your steps. Slow and steady, you make it to the door frame, where you start to hear voices talking amongst themselves -- not like the chants, whistles, and shouts, but warmer ones discussing indecipherable topics with each other.

"They're gonna send us straight back to the Underground after this," Undyne's voice groans, the sound of her fist hitting something solid following with her words. "This freaking sucks! I. . . I'm so damn mad I could just-"

"Undyne, c- calm down!" Alphys's voice chimes in, stopping her girlfriend for whatever inanimate object she was about to punch next.

"(Y/N)'s hurt! I was supposed to be their friend, but I let them get hurt."

"Nobody knew this would happen," an unfamiliar voice comments, empathy in their voice. "Don't blame yourself, Undyne! It- It's those jerks who should feel bad about what they did!"

"They try to do that again and I'll file a lawsuit against 'em," a low voice speaks, the sheer determination in his voice taking you some time to classify it as Sans's. "That shi- uh, crap they pulled on (Y/N) and aluva us can't and shouldn't be justified. I'm sick and tired of 'em actin' all high and mighty when they straight up kidnapped and forced (Y/N) to wear an onion sack stark naked. I'm glad the hospital over there didn't want nothin' to do with us, 'cuz I want nothin' to do with that town either."

"Woah," Undyne's voice speaks, bafflement in her tone.

"What?" Sans asks, tone coming off guarded the second time he speaks.

"You do care!" the fish woman exclaims, a loud cackle hearing itself all across the house. "You always say you don't, or that you're too lazy to -- or that you've given up. . . But now look at you!"

"Undyne, I swear now's not the time-"

"I'm proud of you, brother!"

You figure Papyrus has ambushed his brother by the commotion that rises in the room. You stay back, still wanting to hear more.

"Thanks, Paps. But can you please let go n-"

"Group hug!" the unfamiliar voice speaks up again, the excitement in their tone rising.

You don't realize you're smiling until you feel your cheeks sting. Warmth conquering your chest, you decide to step out of the room, more than eager to meet everyone at what you assumed was Toriel's living room.

The wounds slow you down as you start going down the stairs, bare feet stepping with a little more caution than necessary at the thought you could still be in danger. It was silly for you to think that, sure -- but you weren't taking any risks. What happened not-so long ago had been enough, though you were aware it was naive of you to expect peace after all that. You had to be alert, regardless of how smoothly things went. The night you had spent with Sans was enough proof you couldn't allow yourself to be too careful.

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