Chapter Forty, Part One

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"It feels like the more I work, the more I have to protect." – Aggretsuko, Season 2 | Episode 9

You find yourself between a rock and a hard place.

The pictures were no joke -- They truly did have four of your closest friends held captive by masked people, a fact you confirmed by calling both Solana and Sunny’s numbers, neither of the two who answered you, but rather two entirely unfamiliar voices taunting you over the little time you had left to make it to your hometown.

“Be at the cafe before eight o’clock. Each minute past that hour counts in the loss of one of your friends.”

With a shaky hand, you firm your grip on the phone and check the time: only thirty minutes until six in the morning. Were you to have your car, you would arrive early with enough time to spare and think about the risks of what you were about to do. That option grows null with the fact that you had to wait until six to mount the next bus.

“And don’t you dare think about telling Sam any of this. My buddies’ll track down where you’re at quickly enough with the witnesses we have. Each person you tell is another one you’re putting at risk.”

Your gaze drifts off towards Sans, eye sockets closed and hands splayed close to your side of the bed, the one thing to keep him from waking up being the pillow you placed beside him, covering up your absence with its lingering warmth and scent. He shifts once and then twice, stopping when you walk to his side and plant a kiss on his cheekbone. Holding back a frown, you form a smile at him, wanting to depart on a positive note. You move away from the bed afterwards and head to the bathroom, where you press the phone close to your ear again.

“Hello?” Jessie answers, staged innocence dripping off that single word. “Still there, honey? Don’t worry -- The guys just want to have a word with you. It’s nothing big! I told them all to let your friends go if you cooperated with them.”

With no other choice, you listen closely to Jessie’s instructions, saving up time by dressing up, combing your hair, and brushing your teeth while they kept on with their explanation -- adding in a sharp, pointed weapon you try to conceal as much as possible under the thick sole of your shoe, plus slipping the locket in your jeans’ back pocket for safekeeping. You choose to wear your uniform in spite of the situation, mind still hoping this wouldn’t turn out as badly as you thought. 

“Good luck, (Y/N) -- Don't forget to be there before eight.”

The utter hypocrisy in Jessie’s voice is enough to drive out ire within you. Your hand squeezes the phone tightly, hold growing tighter until a crack makes you freeze and snap out of your anger. You look down at the device in your hand, screen cracked by your fingers pressing too harshly against it.

A tall, red-haired woman and two shorter though muscular men -- one blond and one brunet -- are waiting for you when you make it to the town's cafe. They act buddy-buddy when they spot you, keeping their profiles low by pretending you’re an old friend. The trio directs you to the table for four set farthest away from other people, false kindness falling from everyone’s tone, yet kept through the small smiles on their faces.

“What time is it, friend?” the woman asks, mocking tone heightened by the arm she places around your shoulders, pulling you close to her. 

You keep quiet about having left your phone at the hotel, using the watch around your wrist as a replacement. “Seven forty-six,” you reply, showing her the time.

Nodding, the woman flashes a wolfish grin at you and moves on to face one of the two men. “Start calling those guys,” she instructs, grin falling from her face as she gives those orders. “We’ve got our target now.”

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