Chapter Forty-One, Part Three

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Double update today to make up for the changes in schedule!

Updates will now be Mondays, Thursdays, and Fridays (previously Mondays, Fridays, and Saturdays). :-)

In comparison to the busy background of a hospital, you’re welcomed by a calm, empty neighbourhood with the exception of a few cats and dogs sniffing around the trash cans and a few onlookers peeking from their front porches. You advise the two monsters accompanying you to stay in the car and leave once you made sure you arrived at the right address. With the worsening state of your leg difficulting your decision, you try to gather strength, forcing yourself to stand up.

“I’ll go with ya, (Y/N),” Sans intervenes, speaking up when he sees you fail in that attempt. He has his back on Undyne now, irises staring at you sitting by the backseat, unable to hold onto anything besides the headrest of the seat next to you to keep yourself up. The wound had only gotten worse in the time it took Undyne to drive you here, remedial medicines growing useless with each new dose. “Undyne can stay watching in case somethin’ happens.”

You frown and chew on your lip, eyes peering outside to see two more people staring at the unmoving car, confused looks on their faces. With how little cars and people there were around, it was hard for Papyrus’s bright red convertible to go unnoticed -- even harder with Undyne’s same coloured hair, eye-patch and bright blue skin, the blatant difference between her and Sans the one factor to top it all off.

“Are you sure?” you ask, growing concerns preventing you from agreeing.

“It ain’t like these windows’re doing much to keep us undercover. We'd need tinted ones to keep those guys from starin' at us."

Undyne moves away from the wheel when setting the vehicle on parking, turning her gaze at the back seat to face you. “Go with him, (Y/N). You’re in no state to be walking on your own ‘till you get those stitches done with.”

Reluctantly, you accept, allowing Sans to step out of the car and help you out of your seat. You struggle a few times before you can find the right position to shift your leg into, Sans’s arm hung around your shoulders for support. 

A faint, blue hue surrounds your body -- mainly shoulders and leg -- when you get down and begin your trek towards the doctor’s home. Your attention quickly centers on Sans, who has his gaze cast down at the floor, preventing you from seeing his full face and stare at the rightmost side of his jaw and cheekbones instead. 

“Are you the one doing this?”

You can hear him breathe in before he gives an answer, a soft tremble heard from his voice. “Yeah.”

You arrive not too long after he gives you that one-word reply, whatever magic he was using on you making it easier for you to move your injured leg. It felt as if your body was floating, needing little to none of your effort for it to respond to the steps you wanted to take. Sans's visage is still facing the floor when he makes it to the door, only looking up when the blue vanishes completely from your skin, traces of his magic lasting in the form of warmth.

“Thank you,” you speak, smiling when you see his own expression soften up. “I’ll take it from here. It’s safer for you guys to leave while I’m done with this.”

“You sure?”

“I’m sure.”

Hesitance flickers in Sans’s eye sockets when you say that, irises faltering in their light as his shoulders grow tense. He leans in, placing a kiss on your lips and staying there for a few seconds. You don’t break away, the awkward yet comforting feeling of his teeth providing you with a sense of peace, fleeting moment extended for just a few more seconds when you kiss him back, yours more of a peck than an actual kiss.

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