Chapter Forty-Six, Part One

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"It is not the strongest nor most intelligent that survives, but the one most adaptable to change." - Charles Darwin

You cross another day off your calendar, the day you would be moving out of Toriel's home getting closer. The winter gathering was also nearby, meant to happen just two days before you were to move in with Sans, and a whole week before the day of filing the lawsuit arrived. Even with twelve, full days of preparation ahead, you couldn't avoid feeling nervous over the thought of seeing the mayor again. You were even afraid of working at the pastry shop and staying around longer than necessary, fearful he had tracked down enough information to bring you back to his level again.

Pictures, recordings, and documents related to the case are splayed out on the desk in front of you, eyes trying to take in all the pictures at once, failing to focus on the smaller details laid about. Sighing, you brace yourself for another hour of research. You take one of the pictures off the table and bring it a bit closer to your face, narrowing your eyes as you inspect the image partially blurred out by movement. The blue blur Napstablook told you about was near indecipherable to you -- You had almost no clue of its background. Hadn't the ghost given you that heads up, you wouldn't have taken that smudge of colour as the mayor running away from the scene.

You're interrupted from your observation by the sound of porcelain touching a wooden surface, glancing up from the picture to see Toriel setting a tea set down by the night table of your room, taking out a cup and the ingredients you most took a liking to. She smiles when she catches you staring, mouth parting as she goes to speak up. "You should take a rest, dear. I am aware the case is important, but your health is, too -- You have not stopped in your research since three hours ago."

"Thank you," you speak up, returning her smile when she arrives to your side and hands you the cup. "I guess I'm just. . . a little nervous things won't turn out well, so I've been trying to prepare as much as I can for when the day comes."

"I take it you are also worried about other matters, are you not?" Toriel asks, a hint of playfulness in her tone. "Have you told Faust about that yet?"

You take a slow sip of tea and pretend not to immediately catch onto what she was teasing you about, holding back your smile when you reply. "I haven't. But I think he's onto me. He might've been overhearing us talk that day I showed you the ring."

Toriel giggles at your response, sitting beside you as she takes a serving of tea for herself, joining you in your break. "Why not confront him today, if so? If he seems unbothered by it, you should not worry about it so much. He got mad at you for hiding your relationship rather than for you being in one."

"But that's the thing, Toriel," you persist, smile faltering when you remember the days you called Sans behind Faust's back -- and of the day you requested the monster kept his relationship with you a secret from him. "That. . . That's not normal! Even I wouldn't want my parents to date someone else after witnessing something like what Jessie did to us. He's just way too cheerful sometimes, and I fear he's gonna get hurt by that."

"How is that a bad thing, (Y/N)? Positivity and kindness are not weakness, but rather strong points. You are confusing that with naivety -- something Faust is not. He knew danger when he saw it. Otherwise, he would have not run away from Jessie's care and come back to you. It will only hurt him more if you keep these things a secret from him."

The cup is empty by the time she's finished speaking, stress making you drink it too fast for you to even take in its flavour. She fills your cup again, allowing you some time to recover and rethink your next words.

Save Point (Sans x Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ