Chapter Forty-Six, Part Two

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"Are you ready yet, punk?!"

You practically jump when Undyne bursts into your room, the door and its hinges salvaging themselves from her energy thanks to you having left it open after getting dressed up. The pictures, audio, and documents you had been preparing since waking up end on the floor -- some scattered and some intact, though the fish lady is just as quick to help you pick them out. It's difficult for you not to feel on edge with four o'clock marking on your phone, and the next alarm signaling the meeting at six taking place at the town hall.

The newfound information about Sans being unable to leave the city doesn't help with the situation, though having someone present aids in preventing you from worrying too much about it.

"I'd ask if you're doing alright, but that look on your face tells me you're not," Undyne comments, handing you the papers. "The mayor shouldn't be there, if that's what you're worried about. He should be at the police department getting interrogated, so his face shouldn't show up 'till that day in court gets here." She strikes a confident pose, placing her hands on her hips and breaking into a grin. "And if something were to happen. . . You've got me by your side!"

You smile at her unwavering demeanor, an expression soon replaced by a frown when you remember it was still a weekday. "Is it really okay for you to take a vacation day for this?" you ask, unsure about her going through the trouble of accompanying you. "I can just contact the policewoman there if anything happens."

"That still leaves you in danger of being on your own 'till you make it to her side. That town's not a friendly place anymore -- even less if it's with you, and worse if it's with all of us. It's best if we just stick together and prevent anything like that from happening again."


"I'm going with you, (Y/N)," she persists, staring you down. "One vacation day less isn't gonna be the end of my career. We get there and show the evidence, and then we can forget about stuff for a while by going out someplace together."

"Like where?" you ask, happier at the prospect of hanging out with Undyne.

More persuaded by your response, the fish lady perks up, excitement visible in both her posture and gaze. "The mall, the movies, the park. . . You pick! We should take some time to catch up on things, 'cuz you're hiding big things from me, (Y/N), and I'm not gonna tolerate that! Seriously, it's taken me years to get together with Alphys, but then you get to know Sans for like a year, and all of a sudden you're moving in together? I don't think anyone saw that coming with how slow you guys were taking it at first!"

"I honestly don't know how that happened either," you confess, smile growing wider when you think back on Faust's first day of tutoring. It was difficult for you to process the silly yet reserved skeleton from that day was the same as the one you had spent that moment with at the car. You had reached as far as to have him tell you his kind once sought after yours were they to fall underground. The myths regarding what past human ancestors had done to their kind were being either debunked or confirmed as truths now -- leading for old fairy tales to be labeled as history books, and for theories and postulates to be classified as either truths, lies, or half-truths. "It's hard to believe that a few years ago, I thought you guys were myths. The whole fantasy genre from movies and all that stuff has a. . . different feel to it now that I know monsters exist -- and even more now that I'm apparently engaged to one."

"We thought you guys were myths for a period in time -- that you just went extinct sometime after the war was over with," Undyne comments, sitting on the edge of your bed. You do the same, pulled in by the new surge in topic. "That spell they cast down there started to wear off with time, and that kinda just led to humans finding their way in. Toriel and Asgore took in a human child at first, and things went well for a good while, but then. . . certain things happened, and their family fell apart."

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