First Date

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Ella's P.O.V.

I rushed into the café, looking around for Bruce and hoping I wasn't late. Not seeing him outside I walked inside, though I still didn't see him. I sighed and shook my head. I felt crushed, again. I was starting to think about leaving when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned to see a tall, handsome man with black hair and robin blue eyes smiling down at me.

"Bruce?" I asked hopefully and he smiled, sticking out his hand.

"Bruce Wayne," he introduced himself.

I smiled, relieved we were finally meeting, and shook his hand.

"Eleanor Allen," I said. "It's nice to meet you. Officially, that is."

Bruce chuckled and I smiled as we sat down. We ordered drinks and he looked at me intently.

"So, um..." I started, unsure of what to say. "How long have you lived in Gotham? I mean, I've heard of you but, umm..." I looked up at Bruce shyly, and he smiled reassuringly. "Sorry, I'm not very good at starting conversions without a script of questions."

"It's fine," he assured. "I've lived in Gotham all my life. What about you?"

"I lived in Central City for most of my life. But then I moved to Metropolis to work at the Daily Planet. They transferred me to the branch here, and I've been living here for a little more than a year."

"Do you enjoy your job?"

"I love it. But I hear there may be downsizing." Bruce's eyes widened. "But enough about my job. What about you? I know what people say, but I want to know what you have to say about yourself."

"Well, not much to say about me either. Unless this is an interview."

He grinned playfully and I smirked.

"It's an interview to see if you're a good fit, Mr. Wayne," I teased with a small laugh. "But if you can't think of anything, then I'm going to ask you a bunch of stupid questions." Bruce raised a brow.

"Go right ahead." I smirked.

"What's your favorite color?"

Bruce's eyes widened and I giggled. I knew he wasn't expecting that.

"Um... Blue?" I smiled.

"I like ice blue. What's your favorite animal?"

"Bat." I smiled.

"Bats are cool, but I like the Timber Wolf. They're so fierce yet gentle at the same time."

"Wolves are fiercely loyal, especially to their packs. Do you think you identify with that?"

"I like to think so. I've always been close to my family and friends, and I try to always be there for them."

"That's a good trait to have."

"I'm glad you think so. Now, you ask me a question." 

I eyed the billionaire, wondering what he would ask. He thought for a moment.

"What's your opinion on the Batman?" Bruce asked.

My eyes widened and he smirked. I thought for a moment. I hadn't been here long, but rumors of this Batman had been running around for only a few months.

"I believe he's helping the city," I said. "I must admit, I like having him around."

Bruce's P.O.V.

"I must admit, I like having him around," Ella said with a soft smile, which surprised me. I've never heard that before, especially from a reporter. "I've never seen him before. Have you?"

"No," I quickly said. "But maybe one day. It's interesting, your opinion. I hear most reporters say he's a menace."

"I'm a bit more optimistic than most reporters. If the Batman really was a 'menace', don't you think he'd be committing robberies and harming people? In my opinion he's here to help the best he can. You know, unless he proves me wrong."

"Right, that's understandable. Tell me about your family," I changed the subject.

Ella's expression dropped a bit.

"My mother was murdered by a speedster when I was a kid," she explained. "And my father was framed for her murder, so he's in Iron Heights. My brother works for the CCPD. He's been trying to find our mom's real killer for years now."

I gave her an empathetic expression.

"I'm sorry," I said, but she shook her head.

"It's fine. I hear you have a similar story."

I nodded and we talked for a while. The conversation was pleasant, I surprisingly felt really comfortable around her. She was easy to talk to, which was a first. She listened well and when she did speak her words were defined and educated. I'd have to thank Alfred for signing me up for that app. Soon Ella checked her phone and her eyes grew wide.

"Shoot," she hissed, standing. "I have to go Bruce, I'm ten minutes late."

I stood and walked Ella outside. She tried waving down a taxi, but no one stopped for her. She turned to me.

"I'm sorry Bruce I-" I cut her off.

"It's alright Ella," I said. "Maybe we can do this again some time?" She smiled.

"I would like that."

She turned to walk away, but quickly came back. She tore a notebook open and wrote something down. She tore out the page and handed it to me.

"That's my phone number. I'll talk to you later Bruce."

I went to say bye, but Ella turned and started running. I smiled and pocketed the paper. I scored quite the woman.

Ella's P.O.V.

I rushed into work, and my boss looked up at me angrily. Oh no.

"Ella-" he said but I interrupted.

"I lost track of the time," I said quickly. "I'm sorry."

"You're thirty minutes late!" 

"I'm sorry, but none of the cabs would stop for me."

My boss sighed, shaking his head.

"I'm sorry Ella. Pack up your things. You're fired." My eyes widened and I looked up.

"What?! But this is the first time I've ever been late!"

"I'm sorry, but this is the excuse I need for the downsizing. Don't worry kid, I'm sure you'll find some other job soon."

He turned and walked away before I could protest, my hand balling into a fist before I sighed and let it go.

"Ella, I'm really sorry," my friend Vicky Vale said, walking up and putting a hand on my shoulder. "Is there anything I can do?"

"No, I'll be fine," I assured with a forced smile. "Thank you, though."

She nodded and offered me a hug, which I accepted before going to my cubical to pack my things.

A Man With Two Masks// Bruce Wayne Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now