Fire and Ice

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Bruce's P.O.V.

Snow was coming down like it never had before in Gotham. The news was calling it the harshest winter in a hundred years, and that everyone should be avoiding going outside. Many places of work had shut down for the week because it was too dangerous to drive or walk. But that didn't stop me from going out as Batman, and it didn't stop the villains who did their work.

Batwave alerted me that Firefly had broken into a building and was being pursued by police, and I rushed to the scene to help. I made my way up a tower to get a better advantage point, looking down as Firefly cut a police car in half and the other two crashed.

"In this town, I'm the heat," Firefly bragged.

"You're all sizzle and no steak," I stated and he finally noticed me.

"Burn, Batman!"

He cut off the top portion of the tower, and as I fell I shot a grappling hook around his ankle, dragging him down with me. He started trying to fly away, pulling me along with him. He looked back and fired, but I moved around to dodge in the air.

"So, how'd you plan on getting me down?" Firefly asked.

"You'll have to land when you run out of fuel," I stated.

"Well, let's fill her up then!"

Firefly headed towards some parked fuel trucks, firing his laser at them. He swooped down real close before pulling up, my eyes widening when I saw his plan. I was forced to release the grappling line as the truck exploded, metal and gas flying. I groaned and lifted a sheet of metal off of me, immediately noticing where parts of my suit were torn, the cold wind hard to miss. I wobbled a bit and fell, frowning when I heard police sirens getting closer. They turned the corner and parked in front of me, the officers stepping out.

"Forget Firefly," one said. "We just scored Chief's public enemy number one."

I stood and they raised their guns, slowly approaching.

"I am not feeling the love here, fellas," I grumbled as I summoned the batmobile.

It zoomed past the officer's cars and came to a stop in front of me, allowing me to jump in and speed off with no issue. Needing some assistance, I rang up detective Yin.

"Detective Yin," I said.

"You and Firefly throw quite the winter barbecue," she quipped.

"It was a blast. Do we know what he took from the technologies firm?"

"Working on it."

"Firefly's always been 'work for hire'. If we knew what he took, maybe we'd know who he took it for."

Leaving it on that note, it was time to retire for the night. Firefly had disappeared, and no other crooks seemed to want to come out in the harsh winter storm. I was glad to go home.

Ella's P.O.V.

"Nine-piece band, check," Alfred said, typing away on a computer. "Decorations, check. Dinner napkins-" he was cut off by one of the cave entrances opening and Bruce stepped out. "Ah, it would seem that despite the cold Gotham Police Gala has become quite the hot ticket."

"Though I must say," I said. "I find our hosting of the event a bit ironic. Given the Dark Knight's vigilante standing with the blue knights of Gotham's police force."

Bruce poured himself a drink and grabbed some food before walking over and pressing a kiss to my head.

"It's the least I can do for Gotham's finest," Bruce said with a smile.

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