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Third Person P.O.V.

It was a dark, gloomy night at Arkham Asylum as one of the workers pushed a cart of medicine toward Joker's cell. He unlocked the door to see Joker smiling widely, as always.

"Okay, Joker, time for your medicine," the worker said as he approached the clown.

"But my dear flunky, you left the meds outside," Joker pointed out.

"Not the kind of medicine that I had in mind."

Joker's eyes widened as the worker began to melt and form into a tall, humanoid-shaped grey goo. Clayface.

"Either I'm crazy, or you're melting!" Joker exclaimed.

"It's payback time, Joker," Clayface stated. "You're going to suffer for making me what I am!"

"I'll take what I deserve, but, do I know you?"

Clayface roared and turned his hands into spiked balls, raising them above his head. He tried to punch Joker, but despite Joker being in a straight jacket, he was very nimble and fast and managed to dodge the blow.

"Help!" Joker called. "Help!"

Bruce's P.O.V.

I had been patrolling the halls of Arkham, disguised as a worker when I heard Joker calling for help. I immediately dropped the disguise and ran to see what was going on. I ran into the room to see Joker on his back, Clayface about to stab him in the chest. I grabbed Joker and pulled him out of the way, just in time. I dropped Joker and glared at Clayface. Or, in other words, my friend Ethan.

"Out of the way, Bats!" Ethan exclaimed. "He has this coming."

"No argument there, Clayface," I said. "But I'm not here to help him. I'm here to help you."

I held up a pill-shaped syringe and threw it at Ethan, who absorbed it into his body. He smiled and laughed.

"Heh. Is that the best you have, Bats?"

I didn't say anything as his body began to harden up, and he screamed before being fully encased.

"You're going to get the help you need," I said. "As for you, Joker, consider yourself-" I paused when I saw he was gone. "Lucky," I muttered.

A few months later... Ella's P.O.V.

After Bruce had successfully captured Ethan, he was given medical help before there was a trial held for him. Bruce and I were both in attendance, trying to fight for our friend to be given a second chance.

"Court is back in session," the judge said as he walked back into the room. "Mr. Brent, you may now call your first witness."

"Your honor," Ethan's lawyer said as he stood. "The defense calls Detective Ellen Yin." Ellen walked up to the stand, and Mr. Brent began questioning. "Detective, your former partner stands accused of resisting arrest and of the aggravating kidnap and assault of Chief Angel Rojas. Shouldn't Ethan Bennet be held responsible for these crimes?"

"It isn't that cut and dry, Mr. Brent," Ellen explained. "Detective Bennet was also kidnapped, by Joker. He was subjected to intense psychological torture and then exposed to unstable chemicals, which mutated his body and mind."

"Objection!" The other attorney exclaimed. "This witness is not qualified to testify to Clayface's state of mind."

"Your honor, I object to the use of the media term 'Clayface'," Mr. Brent said. "My client has a name, it is Ethan Bennet."

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