Job Fails

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Ella's P.O.V.

I walked into my and set my stuff down on the kitchen counter. I rushed up to my bed, fell face down on it and began crying. I let it all out for a few minutes before taking in a deep breath and sitting up. I knew that my tardiness was only an excuse due to the downsizing, but it still hurt. I had never once been late, and the one time I was it all goes to hell. My co-workers protested, I am one great journalist if I do say so myself, but there was nothing they could do. I wouldn't cry over it anymore. I knew it was healthy to cry sometimes, which is why I let it all out, but now I had to focus on my future.

My phone started to ring and I answered it.

"H-Hello?" I asked, clearing my voice to stop it from cracking.

"Ella?" I recognized the voice as Bruce's, my mood starting to lift.

"Oh, hey Bruce."

"Were you crying?"

"Nope. Why would I be crying?"



I heard a sigh and I laid back on my bed.

"You can talk to me ,Ella."

"There's nothing to talk about, Bruce," I stated. "I'm fine, really, but thank you. What did you want to talk to me about?" There was a pause for a second.

"I was wondering if you would like to come over for dinner tomorrow." I smiled.

"I would like that. When and where?"

"I'll have my butler Alfred pick you up around seven?"

"Sounds like a plan. I live at 145th Driveway, in the Osborne Hotel. Just have Alfred ring up room 143."

"Alright. Dress up."

"I will. See you tomorrow, Bruce."

"See you tomorrow, Ella."

Bruce's P.O.V.

I swore I heard Ella's voice crack. She must've been crying. But why? I looked around online and hacked into Ella's workplace files. She was fired? I sighed and put my head in my hands. It must've been because she was late. Great. That was my fault. I sighed as Alfred walked in.

"What did she say?" Alfred asked.

"She said yes," I replied with a smile.

"Well done, sir. I'll prepare a roast for the special occasion."

"Sounds good, Alfred. You know, I have a feeling about this one. She's different, in a good way. I was able to talk so freely around her, it was almost like I was talking to you. That's a good thing, right?"

"I should certainly think so, sir. Remember, there's no need to rush anything. If she is the one then everything will fit together."

"You say 'the one' like we'll get married or something."

"I'm allowed to hope, Master Bruce. I'm allowed to hope." 

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Hearts and comments are appreciated!

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