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Sorry this chapter is shorter than normal! But I do have an important announcement at the end! 

Bruce's P.O.V.

I was on patrol when I spotted a handful of Penguin's birds flying into a window. I got to the window and grabbed an owl as it was flying out with a tube-shaped device in its claw.

"Out poaching for Penguin?" I questioned.

Before I could take the device, a vulture rushed at me and I lost my grip, falling and grabbing onto a different window ceil. The birds started harassing me, trying to get me to fall or let go of the owl. I swung back and hit them away, the owl losing its grip on the device. A raven swooped down after it.

I let go of the window and dived after it, grabbing onto the device before the raven. I used a grapple to stop from hitting the pavement, and the vulture came down and knocked the device from my hand. The birds fumbled around with it and it fell, breaking on the pavement. They scattered as I landed in front of the device, picking it up. I'd study it later at the cave. The birds started harassing me again, but after a minute they took off. They must've gotten what they came for.

I headed back to the cave to see what I could make from this device, with Ella's help.

"Looks like you've been through quite a night," Ella said as she observed the tears in my cape.

"Penguin's pets," I explained. "I didn't have a shot at tracking them to their master's whereabouts, but it doesn't add up. Oswald Cobblepot has always been after the big payday, jewels, gold, money. But a tech robbery? Sonics?" Batwave suddenly went off.

"An alarm's been tripped at Gotham national bank," Ella said.

"Now that's the Penguin I know."

Ella's P.O.V.

Bruce had just left to take care of Penguin when an intruder alarm went off in the cave. Alfred and I looked at each other.

"Oh no."

I looked down into the tunnels to find a raccoon curiously walking into the cave, relief flooding over me and I giggled.

"Evacuate the cave, I'm on my way," Bruce said over batwave.

"That won't be necessary sir," Alfred assured as he turned off the alert. "I believe I can handle our masked intruder myself."

The raccoon and Alfred stared down at each other, the butler rolling up his sleeves.

"Blast!" Alfred cried as the raccoon ran off, running to try to catch it.

"I'll grab some nets!" I said, rushing to find equipment so I could assist.

Bruce's P.O.V.

I arrived at the bank to find the entrance wall basted in, and the door to the vault had been ripped open.

"Either Penguin's been working out, or he needs a manicure," I quipped as I observed deep scratch marks on the vault door.

Something dripped on my cowl and I looked up to find a security guard pinned to the ceiling by an ugly mustard-colored goo. At that moment, out of the dark vault came Man-Bat. My eyes narrowed.

"Man-Bat," I said. "Wouldn't a blood bank be more your style, Langstrom?"

He screeched and flew up, coming down for the attack. I jumped out of the way, but he rushed forward and slammed me to the ground by my shoulders. He raised a hand to claw me, but for some reason, he stopped. He looked over at the bags of money, grabbed them, and flew out. I grabbed my jetpack from the batmobile and flew after Langstrom, getting in front of him and hitting him back.

A Man With Two Masks// Bruce Wayne Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now