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Camryn's POV: 

I let out a loud groan as soon as Avery hangs up on me, putting my head down onto the counter and feel Olivias hands slip down my back. 

"I remember her. Didn't think your friendship would last that long." She comments moving to sit beside me. 

"Well, it did." I snap. 

"Jeez. It's not that much of a big deal." She says with a shrug. 

But it is a big deal. Avery gonna think there's something between Olivia and me when it's nowhere close to that at all. And it'll never be. 

"Yeah. It's not." I say but my shoulders slump and I sigh looking up at the ceiling.

"You're really that upset about a stupid argument with her? Give her a few days she'll be over it." She asks me mockingly. 

"Yeah. Whatever." I say getting up. 

She follows after me and I roll my eyes. I might as well get glue and stick her onto me because she won't stop following me at all. Ah well, at least I don't need to put in any extra work to charm her. 

I walk to the door wanting to go out and get something to eat but as I reach out to turn the knob Olivias hands reach out and clamp onto mine. 

"I can distract you if you want?" She says seductively tilting her head. 

I smirk at her stepping closer. I lean down as if I'm about to kiss her but at the last second I turn my head and whisper into her ear. "Nope." 

And before I can hear her groans I quickly slip out the door and out the building. I then begin my walk to the nearest fast food place that I can find which is a good twenty minutes away. As I walk I decide to make a call. The phone is answered on the second ring.  

"What is it?" He asks breathily and I grimace, images from walking in on him at The Vault entering my brain again.  

"Are you seriously answering when you're... busy?" I say not finding the right words. 

"I'm working out you idiot. Get your head out of the gutter." He says. 

"Oh. Phew. I thought I was gonna have to call the police for ear rape." I joke and I hear his annoying groan through the phone. 

"Why did you call me Gavins?" He asks ignoring my joke.

"Nothing just wanted to let you know that it went well. They're planning to ambush you when I give them the details of the next shipment." I explain. 


"Yeah, as in, steal your stuff as you bring it in. So yeah prepare for that." I warn him. 

"Ok. That it?" He asks me and I know I only have a few seconds to decide if I want to say more or not or else he's gonna hang up. 

I swear Ale doesn't know what manners are, he always ends the call without saying goodbye, or when you call him he never says hello. I shake my head, this boy honestly needs to be retaught basic human decency. 

"Could you go check on Avery tomorrow?" I grimace again as I hear the words come out of my mouth. 

I don't want him near her at all. Not when I'm pretty sure he has the same feelings as I do for her. He could have anyone he wanted with his looks, but no, he decides to try and take what's already mine. 

"You're asking me to go to Averys?" He asks with disbelief. 

See even he knows I don't want him anywhere near her. 

"No. I said to check on her. Not go to her." I say. 

"Well, I'm going to have to go to her to check on her Camryn." He says as though it's the most obvious thing in the world. 

"Can't you just call her?" I whine.

"Why can't you call her? Huh?" He asks me. 

"Because I got into a bit of an argument with her." It hurts my ego saying this. 

If Ale goes to Avery it'll be one point for him and minus two for me because he'll be in her good books and I definitely won't be. I can't let this happen. 

"Actually never mind don't both-" I start. 

"Nope too late. I'm seeing her tomorrow." He says cheerily and I can practically hear his happy jumps of joy. 

"No! No you will not!" I shout down the phone but I hear the click of the call ending and let out a long string of profanities. 

Even a mother walking with her child gives me a weird look as I walk past her and I have to bite my tongue. 


It's late by the time I get back to the apartment. Olivia must have left because the lights are all off. Taking off my tie and shrugging off my shirt I walk in the dark into my room and throw them somewhere in the room and do the same with my pants and socks. 

Walking to the bed, I lift up the covers and slip in but it takes me a second to register the warm body next to mine and I quickly jump out and knock on the lights. 

"Jesus. Why'd you turn them on?" Olivia says pushing herself up onto her elbows and blinking rapidly against the bright lights. 

She has no makeup on looking younger than she usually does and her platinum hair cascades down her shoulders messily. The sheets, although wrapped tightly on her, I know she's wearing almost nothing under and I have to stop myself from rolling my eyes for about the hundredth time today. 

"What are you doing here? Get out." I say running a tired hand down my face. 

"I'm not leaving. I'm too tired to go up to my suite." She says snuggling back down into the covers turning her back to me.

I can't help but look at the outline of her figure made by the sheets but before any weird thoughts come to my head I shake them out. "Please. I just wanna sleep." 

"I do too." She says with her back still facing towards me. 

"You and I both know you don't." I sigh. 

She doesn't respond and instead just stays quiet. 

"Olivia, just get out. It's not that hard." I say fed up. 

"Make me." 

"Olivia..." I sigh rubbing a hand down my face. 

I look over at her and when I do she meets my eyes with a quirk of her right brow in a way that says 'well what are you waiting for?'. 

"You haven't said no yet. Makes me think you want to." She says with a lazy smile and my jaw clenches because she's right. 

Today has been a tiring day and what happened with Avery didn't help at all. Maybe, just this once? Avery wouldn't have to know but it'd feel like I'm being unloyal to my crush on her... Ugh, who am I kidding she probably doesn't even like me and most likely never will. 

"Fine," I say inching my way towards her. 

"I knew you would." She says matter of factly making herself comfortable. 

"Shut up." I say already annoyed with her. 

"As I said before, make me." She smirks at me. 


Yes, yes, I knowwwwwwwwwwwww I haven't updated in ages, and as usual, I'm so sorry my updating is so bad. I've just hadn't had the motivation and there's a lot going on right now but bear with me. I will be updating as much as I can but not as frequently as I used to. Sorrryyyyyyyy. 

But besides that, I hope you enjoyed the chapter

Slater broooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooos


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2022 ⏰

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