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(Averys new high-school ^^)

I slowly turn to face the class. Although they couldn't properly see me, I could see them.

The curiosity of wanting to see the the face under the hat shone bright in their eyes. Sadly for them I wouldn't give them the satisfactory of seeing it.

My eyes were the reason why. Everyone has atleast one part of themselves they hate the most and for me it's my eyes. They were one of my insecurities. Its been like that since I was a child. My right eye was blue with brown specs in the middle, my left eye was brown but all around the edges they were a concentrated dark green.

As a child I was often called names and made fun of because of my eyes colour.

¬ 6 year old Avery¬ No one's POV¬

Avery walked to school hand in hand with her mother. It was her first day of school and she couldn't be more excited than she already was.

She was so excited to make new friends, learn new things and explore the world of growing up.

When they reached the school gates Averys mom knelt down to Averys eye level.

"You excited?" She asked her daughter.

"I'm so excited. Super, super excited!" Avery clapped her hands as she looked around at all the other children coming into the school.

" That's great. When you come home you can tell me all about it, OK? "

" Yes! " Avery squealed. Her mother gave her a hug and a kiss on the forehead and watched as her daughter ran into the school.

"My name is Avery and I'm 6. I hope we can all be best friends." Avery introduced herself with a toothy grin.

"I'm sure you'll make lots of friends." Her teacher encouraged.

"I have a question?" A child raised their hand.

The teacher gave him permission to speak. "Why are your eyes like that?"

"Ya it's so weird."

"You look like the witch's cat in a book I read with my mommy."

Avery gaped at her classmates in shock at how mean they were being. She wanted to cry but didn't want to show any form of weakness at all. This just showed how strong willed she was.

The teacher could see Avery was upset so she hushed the children and told them not to make any rude remarks about others appearances.

Children were too truthful about things.

Sadly for Avery from that day on she found different ways to shield her eyes from others. But as she grew older she realised there was no point in trying to hide anymore. But sometimes when she felt uncomfortable or was in a new and unfamiliar environment she covered her eyes.
End of flashback

"My name is Avery.. Daly and I'm 16. I hope we can be friends. I'm also from England which is why my accent is like this. " I say.

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