× T W E N T Y - O N E ×

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All week. That's how long I've been dealing with the Daly brothers following - no not following, stalking me.

I've avoided Sheila as much as I could which was easy since the company has gotten much more busier because of new releases.

I've become more prone to frustration than I have before. With every second that passes and the Dalys finding another way to make me feel worse than I'm already feeling, it makes want to lash back and make them feel the same way. Since I obviously don't do it directly, I find ways to do it indirectly.

Which means finding a way to make myself as much as a nuisance as possible. Call me whatever you want, evil, crazy, stupid, dumb, I've heard it all before.

I walk down the halls saying my goodbyes to the girls before our next class, which sadly we don't have together, before Camryn falls into step beside me.

"What do you want?" I ask looking around just incase any of the Daly brothers were in sight.

"Just wanted to ask if everythings alright. You know, with everything that happened last week?"

"It could be better but it'll pass." I say not wanting to dwell on it any longer.

He shrugs. "I would've talked to you earlier but Damon and Eli have made it pretty clear they don't want me anywhere near you."

"Yeah. They've been keeping an eye on me too." I grunt.

"Wanna ditch later on?" He offers.

I shake my head. "No. I'm still mad at you, you know? You still haven't told me why you left and like I said before, until you tell me I don't wanna have anything to do with you."

With that, I walk faster to my class leaving him behind.

"Ms. Daly, are you paying attention?" snapping out of it, I look up at my biology teacher who stood in front of me with his arms crossed.

"No not really." I reply bored.

He purses his lips looking dissatisfied. "Lunch detention."

I roll my eyes. I've had detention so many times this week already that anymore could lead to suspension. "Sorry sir I'll be busy."

"Doing what exactly?"

"Eating my lunch obviously." I say in a duh tone.

A few sniggers are heard across the room and the biology teacher gets angrier by the minute. It's funny to watch actually.

"Pack your things and go to the principles office, right now." He says sternly.

I get up, cleaning away my things as I do so. I sling my bag over my shoulder and leave the classroom ignoring the stares of the people in my class, especially the eyes of Alex and Benji burning into my back.

I walk quickly through the halls and out of the school to the nearest cafe. Considering I'm supposed to be at the principles office and I'm not, tomorrow might be pretty hectic. That's a problem for tomorrow though.

I sit down on one of the chairs near the window and go on my phone for a while. Soon I start to get bored and look around and that's when I see familiar green eyes and brown curly hair in the cafe. Will.

He must've gotten back from his work abroad. Sadly for him he'll have a lot to catch up on.

I look around trying to find the quickest and easiest way out of the cafe without him noticing me. I stand up and make my way to the exit. Glancing around as I go, I see that he's gone and sigh in relief but just to make sure I keep my head down and out of view from any nosey eyes.

I'm almost at the exit when I bump into someone with a thud.

"Fancy seeing you here." Will stands in front of me looking amused.

"Yeah you too." I say stiffly holding the straps of my bag tighter.

He glances down at his watch before looking at me again. "Well I have an appointment soon..."

"That's great, don't let me stop you. I'll be on my way now." I say hurriedly edging towards the exit of the cafe.

".. And your going to come with me and tell me why you aren't in school. Which started less than two hours ago." he finishes raising a brow.

"Do I have to?" I sigh.

He rubs the stublw on his chin. "Well you could go home and explain to Mom and Dad who, by the way, aren't in the best of moods because of some calls they've received from the school, why you aren't in school. Or you could come with me, take your pick, I don't mind."

Either way it's a win/lose situation with mine being the latter. "Fine I'll come."

I follow him outside to the car which is a stunning silver Ferrari. We go into it and click our seat belts into place before he starts the car.

"So are you gonna tell me now? Mom's already told me the basics of what has happened since Jesse and I left. I can't say I'm nit surprised because I am but, I'm willing to hear your side of the story." Will says earnestly.

I scrutinise him for a few moments not sure if I really can. Since I've known Will he hasn't given me any reason to not trust him and putting my guard for a few minutes can't hurt right?

"OK then." I say and tell him everything, letting down my gaurdand hoping that I wouldn't be regretting my decision later.

Hello guys, so first things first, I hope you like this chapter and I'm ReALLyyyy sorry its so short. Secondly I won't be able to post next week (Tuesday and Friday) because me, being the most clumsiest person alive, got my hand slammed into the door and hurt my fingers and it hurts to even move them so I'm typing this with my bad hand and with my voice. I'll be back again with more chapters next time I post when my fingers get better.

So slater broooooooooooooos.


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