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I cringe backwards, almost tripping on the steps. Camryn stands still like a deer caught in the headlights.

"Where have you been young lady? Do you know how many times I've called you?"

I shake my head slowly. "I'm sorry my phone was in silence."

Looking behind her I see the rest of the boys. Damon and Eli smirk at me but once their gaze finds Camryn they turn to menacing glares. The twins look awkward as they watch their mother give out.

"Thats no excuse. Come inside right now." Sheila says and I do as she says. "And you too."

Camryn unwillingly follows stuffing his hands into his pockets and sends me a worried glance as we follow behind Sheila.

As we pass the boys, Camryn bumps shoulders with Damon. "Whoops sorry."

Damon scowls at him. "You son of a-"

"Finish that sentence and you'll have your phone gone for a long time." Sheila cautions from in front of us. I almost smile at this. Almost.

Camryn sniggers and it entertains me to watch Damon struggle to keep his temper in.

Sheila enters the kitchen going behind the counter while Camryn and I stay opposite of her. "What time is it now?"

I check my phone with shaking hands. "Almost 11pm."

"And I said not to be back late didn't I?"

"Yes." I look down at my hands again and begin to play with them to stop them from shaking.


"Yes." I look at her from across the counter.

"Next time please be back on time. I know I didn't give you an exact time but I expected you to know what not being back too late meant." She scolded.

"Its my fault. She was heading back home and I distracted her." Camryn asserted.

I look at him and slightly shake shake my head. He didn't need to do that.

"And who are you, may I ask?" Sheila questions disdainfully.

"I'm Camryn Gavins. Averys friend." he introduces himself and Sheila politely smiles, introducing herself and the boys too. Not knowing that they had quite a bit of history already.

"Next time just please answer the phone so I don't get worried. OK?"


I lean over the counter, stretching my arm when I feel something slip out of my pocket. I quickly bend down to get it but Alex swiftly takes it before I can reach to it. All eyes settle on the two packets of cigarettes that he has in his hands.

"Avery..." Sheila gasps taking the packets from him.

She places them on the table and instinctively I put my hands in my pocket to stop anuthing else from falling out.

Sheila notices this action. "Empty your pockets please."

"I- i.. I can't.." I say feeling the panic start to rise. They're already shocked to find just those two and if they find the others that I have they'll be more than just shocked.

They'll all regret taking me in. And it'll be like proving to John I really I am that much of a let down, a disappointment.

With no choice I empty my pocket putting the lighters and the rest of the packets onto the counter.

"How did you even get all of these?" Benji asks surprised.

"I.. I stole them.." I admit.

Sheila looks at me wide eyed like the rest of them. Camryn doesn't look surprised because he already knew.

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