¦ S E V E N T E E N ¦

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I struggle to get up as the pain is too much.

"It was your fault!" John slurs. He grabs his bottle of wine off the table before leaving me in a heap on the floor.

All I did was tell him that it wasn't my fault that she left. Wasn't my fault that mom left. It his fault. How could she stay with someone as repulsive as him.

Groaning, I finally manage to stand up. My hands find my ribcage which is sore as hell. I wouldn't be surprised a bone broke.

I go to the bathroom. Well I wouldn't call it one. It's disgusting. One of the pipes in the sink has broken so water leaks and since it's barely ever cleaned the water is a dirty brown colour. The toilet lid is broken and there's mould in the shower.

I strip down and step into the shower. When I turn it on cold water rushes down because John never pays for the heating. I'm surprised we even still have any water at all.

I scrub all the blood and dirt off my body before stepping out again and putting on clothes feeling somewhat cleaner than before.

Quietly I go down the stairs checking to see if John is nearby and lucky for me he's passed out on the couch. I make a quick dash to the door and leave.

I walk around aimlessly for a few hours before coming to a stop near an abandoned building.

Curious I go inside and see what you would expect from an abondoned building. Just loads of unused objects lying around.

"Who are you?" I turn around so fast barely avoiding a whiplash to see 3 other people.

"No one. Who are you?" I ask cautiously.

"We're no one as well." One of them says. The other two just take out a pack of cigarettes.

"Want one?" They offer.

"Sure, why not."

And that's when it all starts. The drugs, the smoking and the drinking.

End of flashback

Everywhere hurts. My head, my arms and legs, my chest. Everywhere. I try looking around but I see nothing but darkness.

I hear voices but I can't make out what they're saying so I try again to open my eyes.

Finally I manage to open my eyes and try adjust to the lighting. I blink a few times to stop them from blurring.

"Oh Avery!" Sheila gasps as soon as she sees my opened eyes.

She rushes to my side, clasping my hand in hers but I jerk it away confused.

"Oh! Sorry dear, I forgot." Sheila apologises.

"What happened? Why am I here?" I ask looking around the unfamiliar room, then realising I was in a hospital room. Again.

"You fell into a pool and passed out. Luckily you were taken out in time." Sheila explained.

Suddenly images of yesterday start passing through my mind. From the run-in with Camryn at school to getting ready with the girls and finally arriving at the party and incident happening.

A doctor, that I didn't even realise was in the room, comes forward. "It seems that you had a bad reaction to the water and the severity of it caused you to land in hospital. I suppose its because you dislike the water?"

It surprised me how the doctor could easily tell that I was scared of the water. Even though doctors were kinda trained to read their patients it made me want to conceal my emotions and reactions a bit better.

"Yeah, I hate the water." I mumble and shudder at the thought of it. I look down at my hands and start fiddling with my fingers.

Then, a thought hits me. If I fell into the water that would mean all the concealer that I had put on to hide the scars would've come off meaning that... People had probably seen the scars.

My heart starts beating faster and my breaths come shorter making it harder and harder to breath. The monitor I was connected to, starts making loud beeping sounds and my head starts to hurt.

"Avery!" Sheila cries over the loud beeps and my breathing.

The doctor shouts something but I can't hear. Then an object is placed in front of my nose and mouth.

"Avery you need to breathe. Take a deep breath in and a deep breath out." the doctor calmly says.

I do as the doctor says and try to take deep breathes. In and out. In and out. In and out.

The doctor smiles once my breathing has gone back to normal. "There we go. Now we'll have you keep the inhaler for a few more minutes."

The nurse that had brought the inhaler then explains that in the inhaler there was a liquid that was put in to help calm my breathing so it could go back to normal.

Sheila stays with me until I'm allowed to leave after several more check ups. I was given the inhaler and some capsules with the liquid to use just in case.

"Avery..." Sheila begins but trails off.

Curious to know what she wanted to say I reply. "Yes Sheila."

"Those scars... Did they come from your father?" she asks with concern.

I stiffen at the question but make sure that my face was rid of any emotion and expression. "Yup."

In the hospital they had changed my clothes to the spare clothes that Sheila had brought and in the process had obviously seen my scars.

She looks at me with genuine concern. "I'm really sorry."

I look out the window into the dark to avoid showing anything I might regret. "It's fine. It wasn't your fault." I hear her sigh next to me.

In just a couple of minutes we're parked outside the house. All the lights are on which means everyone is obviously up.

Looking on the screen in the car it shows that it's almost 3 o'clock in the morning. That's the second time since I've been here that I've been up at 3 in the morning.

"I'm sure they're all worried sick about you." Sheila says as we both come out of the car.

"I doubt it." I mumble under my breath.

I'm back my fellow friends. Yes, I know i said I was gonna be posting on the 19th buuutttt my mom saw how good the story was and how much ye liked it and she got me 4g so now, even though we don't have WiFi in our new house yet, I can still post. So ye should be thanking my mom lol. Anyways ill be posting another two chapters in 3 or 4 days so stay tuned.

Now let's hope that no one actually saw the scars. So slater broooooooooooooos. 


P. S I've been reading the comments and they're all so nice and funny so thank you for that 😂

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