* F O U R T E E N *

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"You're joking!"

"OMG more gossip!"

"Why do girls always act like that when there's drama?" Marcus whispers loudly to Ron.

"I'm as clueless as you bro." Ron whispers loudly to Marcus.

"You guys are really bad at whispering." Elena says giving them both a disapproving look.

Marcus and Ron just shrug their shoulders with smiles on their faces.

"Also this is some very interesting gossip worthy tea." Veronica says with a duh look.

"There's no tea on the table. What are you talking about?" Marcus says looking at Veronica as though she had gone cray cray.

"And how is tea gossip worthy? All you do with tea is drink it." Ron also says like we'd all gone crazy.

The girls and I shake our heads at how dumb they were. It's not their fault their boys and don't understand us girls so I guess we should cut them some slack.

"Anyways back to the current situation at hand. I can't believe you guys were like besties when you were younger." Veronica says almost squealing.

"It's not that exciting." I say not getting why she was so hype about it.

"Well it kinda is because look at it like this. Mysterious Daly brothers sister has a long lost relationship with bad boy who the Daly brothers hate." Faith says this moving her hand about like the sunshine.

"That's the most stupidest thing I've ever heard." They all laugh except me and Faith playfully glares at us.

One thing I like about my new friends is that they don't question why I don't smile or laugh or make expressions.

The bell rings and we all jump up.

"Thank goodness we've been saved by the bell." Marcus laughs before heading off to class with Elena and Faith.

Now I have chemistry with Veronica and Ron. How fun it is to learn about different chemicals and making explosions. Yeah, no it's not.

"Avery." Behind us we see Camryn coming towards us.

"Run." I say and all three of us leg it down to our classroom before Camryn can get to us.

We get to our class breathless. "That my friend, was savage." Ron laughs.

"Thank goodness there's only two more classes left." Marcus sighs happily digging into his sandwich.

"And only a couple more hours until the party!" Veronica says excitedly clapping her hands.

Veronica, Faith and Elena squeal together. Ron makes a circular motion near his head indicating that they're crazy.

"Uh oh. We got company at three o'clock." Faith says nodding her head somewhere behind me.

It doesn't take a genius to know that it was of course Camryn. "I'm gonna go. See ya in class."

I quickly stand up but not fast enough as Camryn is already in front of me. He stands blocking my way with his arms crossed.

"You can't avoid me forever you know?" He says.

"Yeah I can." I say looking around to check if any of the Dalys have noticed. They have.

"Seriously just let me explain. How many times do I have to ask? You're really acting like a brat right now." Camryn rolls his eyes and I blink several times.

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