§ T H I R T Y §

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"Favourite colour?"


"Music genre?"


"Ice cream flavour?"

"Mint chocolate chip."

"You are now my new favourite person." He gasps and I almost smile. Almost.

We were just a few steps away from the ice cream place and decided to play twenty-one questions on our way.

"You like mint chocolate chip too?" I ask with surprise raising my eyebrows.

He nods his head with a dimpled smile. "Yup."

"Well that's a first. No one I know likes mint chocolate chip." I say.

"It's seriously underrated." He says and I agree.

Veronica and Faith loved vanilla, Elena and Ron liked chocolate while Marcus liked strawberry. Will also liked chocolate too but I don't know about the rest of the Dalys, we were like complete strangers.

A few minutes of walking later, we enter the ice cream parlour and stand in queue for our ice cream.

I look at the different flavours they were offering and sigh in relief when I see that my preffered flavour was there.

The line shortens and soon enough it's our turn to order.

"Can I have two large mint chocolate chip ice creams please?" He orders politely.

The lady smiles and writes down our order and we wait for our icecreams. She soon comes back and at the same time we both put our hand out with money to pay.

I look at him while he looks at me. "I'll pay."

"No I'll pay since I'm the one who suggested it." He says.

"Or we can split it?" I suggest.

He sighs with a small smile playing at his lips. "OK. Just this once, but next time I'm paying."

I nod and we both give the lady both shares of our money before taking our icecreams and sitting at a booth.

We eat our ice cream and talk in between about random things.

"So who is the mysterious person who never showed up to the park to meet you?" He asks putting a spoon of ice cream into his mouth.

I roll my eyes at the indirect mention of Camryn. "He was just a friend and we needed to talk things out but he, of course, didn't show."

"Well atleast we got to meet and hang out with each other." He shrugs trying to make light out of the situation.

"Yeah I guess so." I say and I check my phone and I inwardly curse myself.

"Everything OK?"

I finish off my ice cream and quickly stand up. "I have to be home by eight and it's almost half seven."

"Oh really? Let's get going then." He say standing up too. He takes his ice-cream cup and mine throwing it into the bin and we both exit the parlour.

We begin walking towards the nearest bus stop and I turn around to look behind me to see if the bus is near and it is.

"The bus is coming!" I say and we both sprint towards the bus stop barely making it.

We pay for our bus passes and sit down next to each other catching our breaths from all the running.

"I think I got enough exercise to last me a lifetime." He says.

"Me too." I say gripping my side.

We continue talking and the bus soon comes to a stop and we exit, beginning our walk towards the Dalys house.

He looks around at all the large houses. "I didn't know you lived here. I have a... friend that's lives here too but I haven't seen you. Well I suppose its cause you moved here not long ago."

"Yup you're right."

Soon the Dalys house comes into view and we stop infront of it. I type the code onto the pad that would open the small gate to the path towards the house.

It clicks open and we both walk inside only stopping to make sure the gate was properly closed.

"We should hang out again sometime." He says with his hands in his pockets as we walk to the large front door.

"Yeah we really should." I say nodding my head.

"Here type in your number so we can plan something." He says handing me his phone.

"Sure." and I type it in.

"Ohhhh Avery. Nice name." He says smiling at me.

"Thanks. What's your name? I don't think I asked." I ask knocking on the door when we reach to it.


Before he can answer the door is slammed open and it's Alex. "Avery? What took so long? I thought you had to get leaves for a project?"

"Hey, sorry, there was a slight change of plans." I say blankly.

Soon we're joined by Eli, Damon, Benji and Jesse.

"Looks like the Princess finally decided to come home." Damon says mockingly.

I roll my eyes. "I would've rather stayed out."

Soon they seem to realise that there was someone standing next to me and when I tell you it was like they'd seen a ghost I mean it.

Both Eli and Damon had gone as white as a sheet but the anger was still evident in their eyes.

An arm grabs me and I'm suddenly pulled inside the house.

"What are you doing here?" Eli seethes keeping a hold of me. I struggle against his grip to get free but it only makes him hold me tighter and I bite my lip to keep from groaning in pain.

"I'm walking Avery home. What else's does it look like?" my friend says innocently.

"Just stay away from her. You've already done enough." Damon says and a look that seemed it was full of a deeper meaning passed between them.

"I suggest you stay away before giving myself a reason to thoroughly re-investigate what really happened that night." This time Jesse steps in using his authority.

I can't help but be confused as to what was happening. Did they know each other? Did something happen before I was a part of this 'family'? And if so what? I was utterly confused.

He holds up his two hands in mock surrender still smirking mischievously. "Alright chill. I'm going but I can't guarantee you won't be seeing me again, unless Avery doesn't want me to?"

All pairs of eyes turn to me and I look at my new friend. "Of course I do."

He looks back at them with a shrug. "I guess you'll be seeinge again, then. Well I've got to go but it was great to see you all again."

He put emphasis on the 'great' and it makes their glares harden.

"I swear to god-" Damon starts as he turns to leave but I cut him off.

"Wait! Your name?" I ask and he turns around already half way down to the gate.

"Alessandro. My name is Alessandro." He says before turning and disappearing into the night.
Ayooo Stacey's back in da house. Ew that sounds cringe. But.. Uhmm. Chile.. Anyways.. Soo... I'm back again to writing so updates will be as usual every Tuesday and Friday. I have sad news.... School is starting again in 3 WEEKS :(( OMG I'm soooo not ready for that. I mean I haven't even had a glo up yet :(( Anyways I hope ye liked this chapter. Slater brooooooooooooos.


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