. F O U R T Y - O N E .

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"Are you almost done?" Veronica calls out to Elena who was in the shower.

Everyone but Veronica had had their shower and had begun getting ready and she was becoming impatient. We played rock paper scissors to know in what order everyone would have their turn since we couldn't decide. Veronica, of course, had come last.

"Nearly!" Elena shouts back and Veronica groans stomping her foot on the ground like a baby. 

"It's ok we still have a bit of time." Faith says. 

She was sat on the floor cross-legged with a large towel wrapped around her body that she had borrowed from me and a bonnet on her head to keep her hair out of her face, peering into a mirror while she did her makeup.

"No it's not. People are gonna start coming soon.

"But if your down early we won't be able to make a dramatic appearance." Faith says.

She hums in response liking that idea. I was sitting on my bed watching them since I didn't know what to do. Elena said she'd do my makeup but she was still in the shower.

Finally, she comes out also in a towel and another one wrapped around her head. It was weird how they were all comfortable being in the same room with just their towels on. I had just the same sweater and joggers I had on this morning since I wasn't at that stage with them yet. 

Back in England whenever we had to change into our sports gear I always went into the bathroom and not the changing rooms. I didn't want to make the same mistake as another girl who went to school. She was in the changing room changing when the towel was taken from her and everyone had taken pictures and shared them online. It was horrible. She left the school though so I don't know what has become of her now.

I'm not saying that the girls might do the same thing to me because I know they won't, I trust them. To an extent, But I just wasn't fully comfortable with that.

"I'm done no-" Elena begins but Veronica is already gone. 


"And... Perfect." Elena says as she finishes my makeup.

We were all done now and they looked stunning. 

Faith had her hair left in her curly afro but had two plaited strands to frame her face. She wore short high-waisted shorts, a bralette, black tights, a white bloodied shirt, and black ankle-high heeled boots. Veronica had on short shorts, black fishnet tights, a bralette and she also wore a bloodied shirt and knee-high heeled boots. She left her hair down. 

Elena had the same as Veronica but her shoes were the same as Faith's. Me, I had black pants with a chain to the side of it and a bralette and black Doc Martin boots and a bralette. I wasn't worried about the scars as before they had asked me to draw fake bruises on them and I did so and pretended my real bruises and scars were drawn on. 

We put on the different color purge masks and were all ready.

"Guys. We look hot as hell." Veronica praises as she looks at us all. 

"Pictures!" Faith says.

So that's what we do. They take tons and tons of pictures. All from the weirdest angles saying they had to get their 'good side'. 

Soon we can hear music pulsating throughout the entire house. We were lucky the houses in the estate were well spaced out or else there would've been a noise complaint already. I go on my phone and they also do the same saying that we should wait a bit for a good amount of people to come before going out.

"I think we should go downstairs now," Elena says almost 45 minutes later.

"You think?" Faith asks not sure.

"Yes. We've been here too long. I wanna see Benji." Veronica whines like a baby.

Elena and I look at each other and grimace at her behavior. 

"Oh yes, I almost forgot. Alex is probably waiting." Faith says standing up and checking herself in the mirror. 

"Ok then let's go," I say and stand up. 

We put our purge masks on careful not to smudge the makeup under and leave my room making sure to lock the door behind us. As we step out the music becomes so much louder and I feel the vibrations travel up my leg as we walk towards the stairs. Looking over the banister we see that already, loads of people were here. 

Benji and Alex stand at the bottom of the stairs talking to people and stealing glances at the stairs every few seconds, no doubt waiting for Faith and Veronica. 

"Come on," Elena says. 

We go downstairs one behind the other, taking our sweets time. 

I don't if it was twin telepathy or what but simultaneously, Benji and Alex look up at the stairs and see us coming doing a double-take. Their eyes are fixed on the two girls obviously. Their friends, wondering what was distracting the twins look up at the stairs also and see us coming. 

Somehow everyone seems to follow suit and almost everybody is looking at us. I have to clench my jaw as I go down to stop the urge of running back upstairs to my room and locking the door. There were too many eyes and I didn't like it.

To distract myself I look around the room to see if I can recognize anyone that I knew from classes at school. I scan the room and suddenly stop at one particular person. His brown eyes meet mine and my body tenses as I look at the last person I wanted to see. 



AHHHHHHHHH two chapters in one day?? Ur very welcome my broos. I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter. What do you think is going to happen in the next few chapters??

Also I just want to say I hope you guys have a very merry Xmas just in case I don't write before then <<<333

Slater broooooooooooooooooooooooooooooos.


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