+ T H I R T Y - S E V E N +

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I waved bye to Alessandro and closed the door and instantly my hands rush to my cheeks that felt like they were burning. I breathe in and out wanting to be less flustered before meeting anyone of the Dalys but my body wasn't cooperating with me.  

I go to the kitchen and find everyone there but Sheila and Mike and unintentionally groan out loud and all their heads turn to me. 

"Uhm... You good?" Damon asks with a smirk. 

"I'm fine," I say a bit too quickly.

"You're looking a bit flustered," Benji says and again my hands rush to my cheeks who indeed feel like they're burning.

"Are you feeling sick?" Will asks coming over to me and putting the back of his hand to my forehead. Surprisingly I don't flinch and Will notices giving me a small smile.  

"I'm not sick I'm ok," I say and go to the sink to get a glass of cool water but Damon stops in front of me blocking my way.

He leans forward and narrows his eyes at me. "Where'd you go?"

"None of your business." I from leaning away from him.

He breathes in as though smelling me and I scrunch my nose pushing him away. "What the heck is wrong with you?"

He then leans back standing up properly. "You were with a boy."

"N-no I wasn't." I stutter.

Damon starts laughing and turns to his brothers. "Guys I think she got screwed."

The rest of them all look at me surprised and I swear I could've dug myself a grave right then and there. 

"Look she's getting even redder. She did!" Alex laughs loudly. Out of all of them, I thought he would be the one to tell Damon to stop jumping to conclusions. 

I cross my arms and huff. "I didn't!"

"Avery screwed a boy! Avery screwed a boy! Avery screwed a boy!" Benji starts singing loudly.

"I said I did not!" I stare at them pleading with my eyes for them to believe me but they didn't want to.

I then feel an arm on my shoulder and I look up to see its Jesse with a smile playing at his lips. "I hope you used protection."

I groan loudly before shouting. "But I really didn't!"

"Sure you didn't," Will says sarcastically laughing along with his brothers and I turn to Damon.

"This is all your fault." I wail.

I grab a cloth and roll it between my hands before hitting Damon with it. "Hey!"

He begins running around the kitchen and I chase him, hitting him with it at every chance I get, while the others just sit and observe literally pissing themselves with laughter.

And that's how the rest of the night goes.


Yesterday I went to school tired and yawning. I had barely gotten any sleep because of all of the teasings from the Daly brothers and me trying to convince them that I was telling the truth because I really was. 

When Mike and Sheila had come home the house was a mess from me throwing stuff at them and they somehow managed to dodge all the things that I threw at them. They made us clean up and put things back to the way they were. And when they asked why we were 'running around like children' i had to come up with a lie to stop them from ratting on me.

Even though I technically didn't do anything wrong I still didn't want Mike and Sheila to think of me weirdly.

Today it was now Tuesday and I wasn't as tired as I was the day before. 

"So have you managed to get them off your back about it?" Faith asks at lunch. 

"No. They won't believe me." I whine to them. 

I turn around and look to the table that Damon and Eli were sitting at with their friends. I catch eyes with Eli and he wriggles his eyebrows suggestively at me. I scowl and he sniggers and I turn my back to him frustrated.

"Well not to make your day any worse than it already is but uh... Camryn is coming over right now." Faith says nodding her head behind me and I scowl again. 

Of course, I had told them about what had happened in the past. About Camryn telling me to meet up with him and I don't see him for the next two years. He had done it again.

I turn around slightly to see him standing right there and my anger intensifies. He frowns when he sees my expression.

"Did I do something?" He asks, confusion was written all over his face and it makes me even angrier that he didn't know what he had done. That everything that was about to happen was all his fault. 

I then get up off my seat to face him properly and cross my arms. "Am I some kind of joke to you?"

Camryns POV:

"What...?" I ask and me being confused as hell cannot describe the way I'm feeling right now.

She scoffs looking to the side before looking back at me again. "Seriously Camryn. Playing dumb is not going to help you. Trust me."

"No, I'm seriously, genuinely confused," I say.

Her eyes narrow and her gaze is chilling. "What are you confused about? How you left me, stood me up two years ago, and leave without a word? Or about how you did the exact same thing a few days ago? HUH?"

Her yell stops everybody making everybody silent even the cafeteria ladies stop their work to stare at the unfolding scene. "W-what are you talking about?"

I stutter because I really don't know but it seems to set her off even more. "So you don't know that you put a note in my locker last Thursday asking me to meet you in the park?"

"I- I didn't put any note in your locker Avery. I swear." 

"So you're just going to lie?" Her voice cracks and a single tear escapes her eye. 

I step towards her softly grabbing her face wiping away her tear but she pushes me away roughly but she uses so much fore and since I'm not expecting it I crash to the floor. 

"Ok then be like that." She turns around grabbing something on the table and turns to me again this time with a cup in her hand.

Before I can process anything else she spills its contents over my head and flings the empty cup at me and storms out of the cafeteria. I stare after her soaked in a strawberry smoothie. 

Everyone is so silent and you could hear a pin drop.

"Hey. That was my favorite one." Someone wails, presumably the person who owned the smoothie that was now all over me.

If I wasn't so bewildered by what happened, I would've been so turned on.


YOOOOOOOOOO!!! THAT WS CRAZY!! Looks like Camryn got what he deserved, or did he? Lemme know in the comments. Hehehe yezz yezz I posted two chapters as I feel bad for not posting as regularly as I should have. So I hope you're happy.


Anyways slater brooooooooooooooooooooos.


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