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I sat glaring at Damon from across the counter while Will tended to my injuries and Jesse, his.

"Really guys?" Jesse says in exasperation. He was cleaning a cut that I had scratched on Damons left cheek and I felt no remorse for it at all.

"If she wasn't acting like an attention seeker maybe it wouldn't have happened," Damon says, sourly glaring at me. He was only like that because it was pretty obvious that I KO'd his obnoxious self. The others were just too polite to point it out.

I just stare at him not bothered to say anything but in my head, I'm happy I gave him just enough bruises to ruin his face that he used to apparently 'pull in the ladies'. His words not mine and, whatever ladies he's pulling are blind because no, just no. 

"I'm fine now, thank you," I say shying away from Will.

I catch the eye of Eli from across the room and turn my stare to him instead of Damon. He narrows his eyes at me before opening his mouth to speak.

"But what about the sc-" he began.

"That was nothing," I said cooly.

"Yes, it was. I saw the-" he tried again.

"Eli how about you go start on helping me make some snacks." This time Will interrupts him.

Eli looks between the two of us getting ready to speak again but sighs thinking better of it and going to do what he was told.

"Thanks," I say quietly to Will.

"No problem," he says getting up and joining Eli in making some snacks.

Tired I put my head onto the cold counter, cooling myself down.

"So would this be a bad time to remind you guys that the Halloween party is in two weeks," Benji says looking around awkwardly.

"Oh, I almost forgot about that," Alex says.

Jesse shakes his head. "Ok then, this is my cue to leave because these teenage parties always wreck my head, even hearing about them."

"You're just not a party person." Damon shrugs with a smirk and Jesse ignores him leaving. 

"Halloween party?" I say, lifting my head off the table.

"We have one every year." Alex chimes in sliding into the seat next to me.

He takes out his phone and opens the gallery and looks through the photos before resting on one. He tilts his phone towards me and shows me pictures.

"These are from last year's party," he says sliding through all of them.

I nod my head looking at them all. The decorations were really cool and the costumes people wore were so creative. 

"We have to start getting decorations cause this always takes ages to prepare," Alex says. 

"Any ideas on what you're gonna do for this year's party?" I ask him.

"The question isn't what we're gonna do but who we're gonna do," Damon says with a smirk.

I roll my eyes unamused and the others groan at Damon's remark and he just laughs.

"I'm just waiting for you to get an STD," Benji says with a smug smile.

"Oh yeah! That'd be awesome." Alex says high-fiving his twin. Damon makes a face at them and they laugh.

Just then Will and Eli come over and hand us the sandwiches cut in triangles that they made.

I take three wrapping them in a tissue before standing up. "I'm gonna do some homework."

"Any more and you won't be able to fit through the door," Damon says nodding at the three that I had. 

"Any more of those cheeky comments and you'll find yourself dealing with Mom and Dad," Will says with a fake smile.

I look down at his plate that had about five or six on it, raising a brow. "I'm pretty sure that'll be you not able to fit through the door."

I hear sniggers across the table and I almost smile in victory. Almost. 

Damon gives me the finger and I return the gesture before going up to my room. 

Upstairs in my room, I finally get started on some homework while eating the sandwiches. After that, when I'm done I text the girls about the party, to which they respond immediately. 

Camryn POV

It's past midnight when I wake up after ages of feeling like something had happened but not being able to put my finger on it.

I get up out of bed and open the bedroom to my room. Looking across the hall to my mom's room I see the door slightly opened and I can see her sleeping.

Quietly, I go downstairs into the kitchen putting my hand on top of the fridge and finally reaching my phone and taking it. Every time I got into trouble and mom would take my phone, she'd hide it there thinking I don't know.

I turn it on checking my notifications when I see that again, I had a message from the unknown number that I thought I had blocked. I click on it seeing that there were four picture attachments and a message.

"Today was fun." That's what the message said.

I open the attachments seeing only pictures of Avery. I look through each of them but see that they were only pictures of Avery. The picture must have been taken today, or yesterday actually, as it was what she was wearing at school.

"What the hell..." I trail off.

A series of all the possible things that could've occurred pass through my mind in images and I find myself dialing the unknown number.

He answers on the third ring. "What'd you do?" 

He lets out a low chuckle that has me rolling my eyes. "Me? I didn't do anything. I just...simply inserted myself into her life."

"I said I would do whatever you wanted me to do. Why did you have to bring her into it?" I ask.

He pauses before answering. "Because if I don't I won't be able to guarantee that you'll keep your word."

"Look...Just tell me what you want me to do after that just leave us alone." I say knowing without a doubt he would find a way to do the opposite of what he's saying right now.

"Well, that wasn't so hard was it?"

I roll my eyes again.

"Just get on with it Alessandro."


Heyo my bros. Here's another chapter that I hope ye liked. I'm writing on a computer since i dont have my phone so the layout of this may be a bit different. Either way I hope ye enjoyed reading. Anyways slater broooooooooooooooooooos.


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