> T W E N T Y - T W O <

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Camryns POV

She's not the same anymore. She's changed a lot, but I can't tell if it's for the better or the worse.

Her once determined, hope filled eyes were now just orbs of hatred, anger and resentment.

Not just the she looked was different but the way she acted too. She was like a completely different person. Her smiling features were now replaced with nothing but a frown.

I sigh sitting up from the couch and turn off the TV that I had completely zoned out on. I hear plates clattering against each other letting me know mom was home.

"Hello Camryn." Mom smiles at me when I enter the kitchen.

I mumble a hello and whine when she kisses my cheek. "Mom stop."

"Alright, alright." she says going back to putting away the dishes.

I take a few biscuits and munch on them while talking to my mom until I get a phone call. Looking down at the caller ID and groan as I watch it ring.

"You going to answer that?" Mom asks.

Reluctantly, I nod my head and leave the room going into my bedroom and closing the door, picking up the phone.

"That took you too long." a deep voice says on the other end.

"Why are you calling me?" I ask not wanting to spend long on the phone.

"I have another job for you."

My jaw clenched. "I told you I was done."

He chuckles down the line and I grimace at how unpleasant he sounded. "Your not done until I tell you your done."

I roll my eyes getting ready to hang up. "Do it yourself."

"Remember Gavins, I've got eyes on you everywhere." those were his last words before I hung up and blocked the number.

The reason I went to Juvie was because of him and I'd be stupid if I had said yes to doing his dirty work.

I sigh, running my hands through my curled hair, hoping that he wouldn't find another way to get to me. The last time he did it wasn't pretty but as long as he doesn't hurt anyone that's close to me, I don't care.

"Could you run to the shop quickly and buy some milk? There's none left for tomorrow." Mom says poking her head round the door.


I take the money from her hands, slide on my shoes and put on a jumper and leave the house.

We lived in a nice enough estate. After Dad passed away we did struggle financially but were finally getting stable again.

The streets are dark with nothing but the sounds of trees rustling. Finally I reach the closest convenience store and purchase the milk.

"Thank you for purchasing." I smile at the young boy at the checkout, probably doing work experience, and exit the shop.

I start my walk back home with one hand in my pocket playing with the change and the other carrying the milk.

As I walk a strange sensation of being watched passes over me and I start to walk faster glancing around.

Just as I'm about to turn the corner I'm suddenly grabbed and pushed against the wall if an alleyway.

"Long time no see bud." A low voice says.

I try push his arms off me but he catches it and shoves his arm against my neck.

"I told him I wasn't going to do his dirty work anymore." I glare.

Beck just smirks under his hood and it makes me even angrier. "Well you might want to rethink that."

He takes out a phone from his pocket, turns it on and shows me a picture.

It was a picture from outside the Dalys house. Showing a close up from a bedroom with Avery in it, tying her hair.

"You wouldn't." I say struggling against his grasp.

He sneers. "I wouldn't but he would. He has people watching her and has others doing some digging on her. If I were you I'd do what he asks."

"I told him I'm not doing anything for him anymore. So leave me alone!" I wrench his arms away from me and push him hard.

He falls back against the wall but the smirk never leaves his face. "You're making a mistake Gavins."

I swing at him and the punch connects with his jaw. "My only mistake was ever meeting you guys."

Even then he doesn't stop smirking. "Well then I guess you won't mind when he makes a move on her. His men are outside ready to shoot her if you don't listen."

"Fine!" I yell. "I'll do it but don't touch her."

"Sure we won't." he says with satisfaction.

Just looking at Beck made me angry, so I gave him one last kick to the stomach before running back home.

"I'm back." I call out as I push open the door.

Mom comes out of the kitchen with a towel, drying her hands before swinging the towel over her shoulder and taking the milk from me. "What took you so long."

"There was a bit of a queue." I lie.

If mom knew that he was looking for me again she'd have a near heart attack.

When she found out what I was doing just so I could help her with money she was devestated and had a relapse. Telling her would just make her get worse when she was doing so well to get better.

"Alright sweetheart. It's getting late so off to bed now." She says.

I nod my head yawning and give her a hug. Then I go upstairs, brush my teeth and sit on my bed.

I take out my phone dialing a number. "He called again."

Hello my fellow readers I am back!! My finger is finally better and I'm soooo sorry for the long wait. I hope you liked this chapter cause there'll be many more chapters from different POVs coming up.
Anyways slater brooooooossss.


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