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You talk with Max for hours and explain him what happened with Charlize then you watch something and go to sleep a little too late as always. During the whole week you sleep every night at a different friend's house which is quite tiring then on Friday, Laura's party. You know you'll sleep at her place, so you don't worry too much. For the last hour today, you have class with Charlize which makes you happy since you haven't seen her for a while. As usual you watch all her movements during class but when you start to leave Charlize catches up with you and your friends stop too. "Where do you think you're going little girl?" "uhm home?" "And your detention?" You totally forgot about it and your face is falling apart, you want to get ready for the party and you don't want to miss any part of the evening. Suddenly a plan comes into your head you turn your back on Charlize and talk to Laura. "Oh shit I'm so sorry I totally forgot about the detention, I won't be able to come to your soccer game!" by saying that you wink at your friends so that they follow your lead.

Laura immediately understands what you're doing. "Oh no you've been helping me to get ready for so long. I'm going to play terribly if you're not here to cheer me on..." Katy adds something . "It's true that every time someone misses your games you play worse than usual." You take Laura's hands. "If you lose because of me, because I wasn't there, I'll do everything to get your forgiveness." Your plan was to move Charlize so that she lets you go without doing the detention. After all you do theater you're supposed to be good actors. Charlize puts a hand on your shoulder and turns to Laura. "I don't want you to lose by keeping one of your cheerleaders." You all chuckle at the thought of you being a cheerleader. "So (y/n) you can go for today, don't worry about detention." Your friends play surprise and you try to look as grateful as possible. "For real? Thank you so much Mrs. Theron!" She tells you to go quickly so as not to be late and after a few more thanks you leave satisfied with your trap. You congratulate each other for having managed to make her believe that and you go to Laura's place to get ready and help her before the evening.

You put on a fairly basic outfit, wide jeans and a little top with black makeup. Let's be honest it screams "gay". Once you are ready you help Max to make a nice Smoky eye because he wants to look gorgeous for Jeff. These two get along pretty well and tonight is a good occasion for them to get closer. As you guys are done the first guests are already arriving and by the time you go downstairs almost everyone is there. You are all heading outside and the first thing you do is searching for a drink. Looking at the guests you quickly realize that there is no straight person here, which is great. Only a few minutes after Jeff, Dita and Lily find you in the crowd and join you. Jeff directly compliments Max who blushes in a very obvious way. You are all chatting and then some go dance while you greet friends you haven't seen for a long time. The more time passes the more you drink and you know that you'll be a mess soon.

Charlize leaves the university a little while after you but on her way home she must pass Laura's house. Seeing the party she looks out of curiosity to see if any of her students are there, she sees a few but to her surprise she sees Laura and Andre talking to other people. She understands right away that she has been tricked and she is slightly upset. She's mad about your friends but mostly at you so she pulls over to have a little chat. She walks over to Laura who sees her and understands that you are all in trouble. "Is that how you play soccer Laura?" She lowers her head embarrassed and Andre who was nearby does not feel very proud either. "Sorry ma'am but it's a really important night, we didn't want (y/n) to miss it..." Andre adds unsure of himself. "Are we going to have any problems?" "Definitely but not as much as (y/n), where is she?" They look around and Andre chuckles "She must be somewhere making out with a girl."

Charlize opens her eyes wide and raises her eyebrows. Laura nudges him hard and sees you a little further away, Charlize too and she walks towards you. You were actually with a girl but not only, a bunch of people were smoking and talking, all high and drunk and of course you're one of them. At one point somebody said you and the girl looked good together and you two kissed. It was right at the moment when Charlize was coming for you, how convenient. Everyone in the group was laughing for absolutely no reason and you see your teacher arriving. "The fuck? Charlize you came to the party!" You were actually happy obviously not realizing what was happening. The girl that you kissed asks who she is and she answers in an angry tone. "Her mother now back off." The girl who was close to you immediately puts her hands away from you. Charlize was pretty terrifying all angry and it was kinda hot actually. "(y/n) hurry and come with me, we need to have a little conversation."

The people around you are muttering "Oooo" realizing your "mother" is unhappy with you. A guy looks at you and asks. "Wait you're coming back right?" Charlize replies for you. "Yes she's coming back it won't be long." You struggle to stand up and to walk but you follow her successfully. You have a little too much alcohol in your body so at this point you are a lost cause. "So mommy, you're mad at me?" Her face is closed and indeed she doesn't look very happy. She doesn't reply and takes you to her car so that she can talk because outside the music is too loud. As soon as you are seated she does not waste time. "I can't believe you made fun of me like that." You stretch and almost lie down on your seat. "Why are you so upset, we're supposed to have fun today..." Charlize tries to keep her cool. "You told me that you absolutely had to support Laura for her soccer game. If I had known it was a party I wouldn't have let you go." You start to remember. "Yea that's exactly why we had to make something up, I just think you're upset because I kissed another girl and you only want me for yourself." "(y/n) are you drunk?" You smile like a child. "nOoo not at all mommy!"

Charlize sighs and thinks about what to do with you.

I can't wait to see how this turns out 👀

I you have the reference you're gay ++ and vip here <3


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