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After a heartbreaking goodbye with Charlize you get to Laura's house to finally tell them the whole story. They deserve to know since as your beloved said, they're like family to you. As you approach her house you can already hear the loud music from outside. The door was left open for you so you enter and join your friends in the living room. You observe their dancing abilities for a few seconds before they notice you and jump on you. After the hugs and greetings you all sit down and Katy questions you. "Sooo you're late girl." You nod and relax in the couch. "Yes sorry about it but let me tell you the reason..." They all lean forward in their seats knowing something is coming. "I slept at Charlize's house and saying goodbye this morning was quite complicated." Laura and Andre gasp as Max and Katy stand up staying true to their drama queen persona. "EXCUSE ME?!" You chuckle enjoying the chaos you just created.

"It's not all guys, sit back down." They do as you say waiting for some more information. "We've been flirting for a few weeks and last Friday in detention we had a little moment and kissed. We enjoyed our time together but let's say that we were both confused afterwards. So I texted her and she looked pretty closed to the idea of us together, that's why I was avoiding her this week." They nod and hum in understanding from your behavior. "This Friday when you told her about the gymnasium, she came to see me and said she was ready to try something with me. Then we hung out and you know the rest." Laura starts clapping followed by the other three. "You pulled a teacher off, I am truly impressed and happy for you (y/n)!" You smile and share a collective hug. Max is the next one to break the silence. "That's amazing, it's my favorite ship coming together!" Katy replies sarcastically. "Well literally." Everyone except Katy slaps their foreheads with despair.

"Katy oh my god!" Andre exclaimed. Katy shrugs as you hit her arm. You keep talking about your relationship for a moment then you remember to warn Charlize that your friends know now. "Hey pretty I just told the dummies and they're so delighted for us, they won't tell anyone of course and they say hi :)" Not even a minute later you receive a reply from your favorite Grrr Charlize 🥵: "Amazing! Say hi too and tell them I have a really cool surprise for Monday's class!" As you read her message to them, they start plotting on what is the surprise, you can't help but wonder too actually. The rest of the day goes very well you have a lot of fun with the dummies and you take the impulsive decision to all sleep at Laura's. Once you're settled for the night you decide to text Charlize before to go to sleep.

you: We spent the day reflecting about your surprise

Grrr Charlize 🥵: Reflect all you want you'll never find what it is!

you: bet

you: I wanted to thank you for allowing me to tell them about us, it was important for me and it truly makes it more real now that they know. I couldn't be happier about it

Grrr Charlize 🥵: Of course Dear, I'm happy as long as you are and I know you need them anyway. We'll have to be careful from now on but I'm not worried about it, I trust you.

you: Me too, in addition having to hide and everything sounds kind of exciting and fun!

Grrr Charlize 🥵: Even if it's not I know you'll be the one making it fun and exciting, that's one of the reasons why I like you so much.

you: Are you trying to make me cry rn?? This is so kind Charlize! But you're the one inspiring me, it's a team work :)

Grrr Charlize 🥵: You're right and if it's a team work we are working very well together.

you: Hell yea we are! I want to hug you so bad rn

Grrr Charlize 🥵: On Monday I'll give you the biggest hug (y/n).

you: But I almost have to wait all day :(

Grrr Charlize 🥵: Come to my class during morning break if you want.

you: Consider this a date!

Grrr Charlize 🥵: Why am I not surprised😂

you: Don't know what you're talking about...

Grrr Charlize 🥵: Yes right, go to sleep little one.

you: Yes mommy

Grrr Charlize 🥵: Good girl.


Grrr Charlize 🥵: Of course I did.

You liked Grrr Charlize 🥵's message

you: Good night you very attractive witch <3

Grrr Charlize 🥵: Good night you sweet little thing.

You smile at the screen and turn off your phone, from now on you won't be able to stop thinking about her until Monday. You can't wait and she secretly struggles too.


Time passed so slowly but here you are in class waiting for the bell to ring so you can run and see your beloved. Your friends knew about your little meeting and they found it very cute, they supported you the whole morning and now they're cheering on you to run efficiently to your girl. As soon as you hear the alarm officially ending the class, you stand up and run to the exit followed by the "GO GO GO" cheering from your friends. You laugh as you leave and hurry to Charlize's class. As you arrive you see some people leaving the class so you just act like you're on your phone. You actually text Charlize just to be safe. "I'm in front, is there anyone left inside?" A few seconds later you hear her say "Just me." You look up and notice she's at the door with the biggest smile. You smile too and enter the classroom waiting until the door is closed to do anything. She locks the door and as she turns to you, you immediately jump on her unbalancing her a little bit. She chuckles as she keeps you tight against her. You hum of satisfaction as you meet her familiar and reassuring smell again. "It was just two days but I missed you Charlize!" Your hands are on her back so you use them to bring her closer. 

She replies talking low close to your ear. "I have to say that I was eagerly waiting for you too." You smile and pull away a little bit just to be able to kiss her. She gladly gets into it as you both start making out. Quickly the bell rings again announcing the next class. You groan leaving the kiss and resting your head on Charlize's chest. "It's not fair, that was so short." She smiles and strokes your head. "I know but we'll see each other again this afternoon, don't worry." You look at her with a pout on your face. "Yes but I have to wait." She laughs softly. "Do you want a little something to help with that?" You nod quickly and Charlize starts kissing your neck. You close your eyes enjoying every second. She sucks on a specific point between the back of your ear and your jawline and it makes you moan loudly. Fortunately she puts her hand in front of your mouth before you can make too much noise. She pulls away stroking your neck. "Do you feel better now?" You smile and nod happily. "Very much thank you!" She kisses you one last time and tells you to go to class. You listen glad about the moment you just shared.

I'm stuck in this romance bubble but hey I'm not complaining <3 Btw obsessed with the comments, never stop (Monica and Kayla I see u.) 


I'll try Miss...(Charlize Theron x reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon