Cleaning time

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For once you don't tell your friends what happened because you want to keep it secret this time. The rest of the day goes by quickly even if the lessons are super fast. At the end of the day you were about to leave but you remember that you have to clean up tonight. Fortunately Max took his speaker, maybe you can make the task less annoying. You take products and brooms and then head to the first classroom. Once you've made sure that there is no one left in the building, you put on some music. You put on a random playlist and eventually Lady Gaga's song Judas comes up. You all look at each other knowing you're obsessed with this song. 

You sing and dance as you sweep the room. You and Max have the brooms since you dance the most and Laura, Andre and Cathy clean the tables. You manage to refrain from dancing too much but when you get to "the peak" of the song you can't help but do the choreography. You use the brooms as mics as you sing to each other with max. "I wanna love you but something's pulling me away from you!" In the chorus, you get up on the teacher's desk with Max and do the dance. (1:18 for the choreo slay) Your three friends are cheering for you, acting like the best audience. They eventually join the party because the Power of Lady Gaga is too strong and you get to the end of the song breathless and sweating. As the music stops, you pose and look at each other with your friends and burst out laughing. Then you hear applause and look where it comes from.

Of course Charlize was standing right there against the corner of the door, looking at you. You all immediately feel embarrassed and Max goes over to the speaker to turn off the music before it resumes. You all come down from the tables and Katy asks timidly. "How long have you been here?" "I wanted to see if you guys stayed to clean and heard someone singing so I came over. I think I got there when you were dancing on the tables? You guys have a special way of doing household chores." Your friends are a little embarrassed so you try to save them. "We were really cleaning Mrs. Theron, the music motivates us and we just... got out of control a little bit." She seems to think a bit and stares you deep in the eyes, it intimidates you a bit but you don't lose your cool.

"What's the next song?" She asks and Max looks at his phone then answers. "Work Bitch, Britney Spears." Charlize smiles at you. "Working is what you should do indeed but explain to me how you plan not to dance to this song?" You bite your lip looking for an excuse. "Well, we dance and  clean at the same time, it's more efficient for us trust!." "If you say so but tomorrow I'll check if everything is perfect okay?" You all nod at the same time and Charlize smiles again. Before letting you go back to your task, she asks you to follow her out of the classroom for a second. As soon as you are out of sight of your friends Charlize stops in front of you with mischief in her eyes. "You blushed earlier, that makes a point for me. 3-2" 

You had forgotten the game a bit but you quickly realize that she has the advantage over you and you don't want to let it to her. You don't say anything and just walk near her and push her against the wall. She contains a whimper as she puts her hand in front of her mouth, you smile. "3-3" You should let go of her, but actually you want another point so you start kissing her neck making it very hard for her to not make noise. Fortunately your friends have put the music back on so they can't hear you. "(y/n) stop, we're not alone." You scratch her thighs over her clothes and whisper to her ear. "I want one more point." "Alright you have it!" You smile and let go of her. "4-3" You don't give her time to answer and go back to the classroom as if nothing had happened.

Your friends ask you what she said to you and you quickly invent something believable. "Nothing she just warned me to do this punishment seriously since I'm already in a lot of trouble you know." Your friends nod and you turn the music up. Thanks to the music you get to have fun with your friends but after cleaning the whole building you are exhausted and go home. Laura gives you a ride back in car and you collapse on your sofa when you arrive home. You go straight to the bathroom to take a shower and put on your pajamas. Then you throw yourself in your bed and look at your messages but only one catches your attention. "You have a message from Grrr Charlize 🥵" You smile like a dumbass alone in front of your phone.

Grrr Charlize 🥵: All done? 

you: Yup ma'am, just got home

Grrr Charlize🥵: That's a good girl 

you: Don't start! 

Grrr Charlize 🥵: What? it's a just a cute nickname :)  

you: yeaaa whatever

Grrr Charlize 🥵: I don't like that you have a point more than I do

you: It's not a problem to me hehe

Grrr Charlize 🥵: I want to equalize

you: What are you thinking about?

Grrr Charlize 🥵: I'm about to shower

you: You have my attention

Grrr Charlize🥵: I knew you would be interested

Grrr Charlize🥵: So here's the deal, I send you a picture and I earn a point or I don't and it remains 4-3

you: Oh lord, what a dilemma

you: mmh I'll take the picture

Grrr Charlize 🥵: Well you didn't hesitate for too long

you: I mean have you seen u? 

Grrr Charlize 🥵 liked your message

She sends you a picture of herself with a towel only hiding her nipples and woman area. 

you:  OMG 


Grrr Charlize 🥵: I guess I earned my point :) 

you: 4-4 ;) 

Grrr Charlize 🥵: Great now go to sleep 

you: Yes mommy 

Grrr Charlize 🥵: Good girl  


Grrr Charlize 🥵 liked your message

You smile and look back at the picture she sent you. She looks absolutely gorgeous but you would rather see her body for real. You shut down your phone and go to sleep as Charlize said.

Hey sorry for not posting yesterday but I only have a few chapters pre-written left so I'll post less often to have time to write the rest of the story! Dw though I'll still post one or two chapters every week perhaps more if I work fast slay <3 


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