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After explaining everything that happened yesterday, you take a moment to process all the information. You're downstairs in the kitchen and Charlize is making some breakfast while explaining to you. You notice that she is very embarrassed when she tells you about the moment when you "teased her." You find her adorable when she's a little embarrassed like that. "I'm so sorry if I made you uncomfortable Charlize, I'm extra horny when I'm drunk." "It's okay I noticed." You kinda want to tease her a little longer, maybe because you're still a little a bit high from last night. "I hope that didn't make you too... overwhelmed." "No don't worry, it's fine..." You were sitting so you get up to get closer to Charlize. You lean on the counter and she stops what she is doing to look at you. "Define fine Charlize, you liked it?" She looks down and avoids your gaze. You smile because you already know the answer since you start to remember what happened.

"Don't make me say things I didn't say." "Not what you say but what you think." She blushes slightly and tries to refrain from smiling but your expert gaze sees it. You walk around the counter to go next to her. "Tell me, because I don't remember well. How far did we go?" It's true you actually don't remember perfectly but you enjoy the extra boost of confidence to tease as long as you can. Charlize turns to you. "(y/n), not far don't worry about it." You shrug. "If you say so..." You walk around her to go to the side where you did the hickey yesterday. You then touch her neck and ask. "Oh is that a hickey? I wonder who did it to you..." You smile innocently as she gasps and pushes you softly. "You're so dumb." You chuckle and hug her from the side still looking at her. "Yes but you still like me!" She rolls her eyes and meets yours. "Alright you won, I do like you. Happy?" You nod and pull away. "Very!" She shakes her head while laughing and serves breakfast. 

While you eat Charlize tells you that she will drop you off at Laura's afterwards and you thank her. You don't necessarily want to talk about what happened or the fact that you lied to her for the evening, you just enjoy the other's presence in peace. Suddenly your phone which was on the table rings and you just stare at the number that's calling, paralyzed. Charlize asks you who it is and you answer softly "The police." Charlize gets up directly and comes next to you to see if it's true and indeed it's the police, she tells you to answer. You do as she says and the person at the end of the phone asks you straight away "Mrs. (y/l/n)?" You confirm. "There is an arrest at your place, we need your presence immediately." You just nod and the cop hangs up. Your phone was on loudspeaker so Charlize heard too. She's going to get her car keys and the only thing she says to you is "Let's go."

You feel like you've known Charlize forever now and it's only natural that you are together right now. You don't know what's going on and it worries you a bit, but you're reassured that Charlize is with you. In the car you unconsciously seek for her hand and quickly she takes it in hers and intertwines her fingers with yours. It all feels so normal and strange at the same time but you don't care. When you arrive you see two police cars in front of the house and several police officers outside. You get out of the car with Charlize and approach the house.

Charlize's pov:

(y/n) is talking to a policeman while I stay a little behind, I don't want to invade her privacy. Even though we've both been quite private... I don't know what happened yesterday. My mind knew what she was doing was wrong but my body didn't want her to stop. I don't know what exactly is happening but it's here and I can't do anything about it. I can't even get mad at her, she just needs to smile at me and I forget why I was originally angry. It worries me because I don't want to get attached to her, I know it's going to hurt me at one point or another. She's young, she just wants to flirt and have fun... I notice that the police is leaving and (y/n) comes back to me. I join her quickly and wait for her to explain the situation.

"One of the reasons I have a bad relationship with my mom is because she drinks a lot and that made her even more unbearable, mean and aggressive. Today she was already drunk and she went shopping for more alcohol. I'm not going to tell you all the details but she wanted to steal bottles then she insulted the seller then other clients and when the police arrived she insulted them too and wanted to hit them." She takes a deep breath before continuing because it is surely difficult for her to explain. "So they've found her and now she's probably going to go to jail. They gave me the keys to the house and I'm old enough to live on my own so it's... it's my house now." I don't directly know what to say to her and I feel that she is a little confused so I hug her.

I feel her relax in my arms and push her head into my neck. This moment is very pleasant and sweet but also very different from what we have already experienced. "How do you feel about that?" "It's weird but since she didn't care about me, I don't really care either. It's disturbing anyway but... I have a house now and I don't know what to do with this information." I hug her tightly against me."It's going to be okay sweetheart, I'll help you. Don't worry it's going to be fine." I stroke her hair lightly to reassure her because I know she needs it right now. We stay in each other's arms for a little while longer and that's when I realized it was too late. I'm already enormously attached to her...

I want a hug from Charlize too 😢


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