Come on theater

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Monday morning

You woke up sweating from a really good dream about Charlize. When they show up in your dreams you just know it's over. You join your friends as usual and the first class of the day is Theater with your favorite which made it really easy to wake up. You discuss random things and head to Charlize's room but before you go inside you see Karen and her friends walking down the hall. They all look at you badly but Karen seems to be scared, unconsciously the two groups stop in front of each other and you stand in front of Karen smiling. After a little moment of tension Katy says something. "You want a picture or something?" One of your enemy's followers answers her. "Stop looking for Karen!" you chuckle in unison and walk a little closer to them. "Why? Are you afraid I'll kill her this time?" You take a step towards her and she takes a step back, trying to avoid your gaze.

Charlize interrupts you since she heard noise in front of the class and calls your name to make you stop. You roll your eyes at Karen and then go to Charlize who was holding the door for you while waiting. Your friends go first and when it's your turn you notice the insistent gaze of Charlize. "Play nice (y/n)." You put your hands in the air as a sign of peace. "Got it miss." You stare at her for a moment then enter the room joining your friends. You sit at the back of the class as usual and wait for the beginning. By observing Charlize you remember your dream and have flashbacks of it. You get distracted imagining inappropriate things with her until Max touches your arm. You jump leaving your wonderful thoughts. "(y/n)! We've been talking to you for like 5 minutes."

"Sorry I was a little lost in my thoughts." Max raises his eyebrows. "In your thoughts? Come on spill the tea gurl." You think for a while but you know you can tell them everything. "I had that kind of dream with Charlize and I can't stop thinking about it." They all nod and whisper "ooo" Max pats your shoulder nicely "You are fucked my dear friend." You laugh and  try a little to listen to what Charlize is saying because it's about a group project and it seems important. "With your group you'll have to create a short scene on one of the subjects that I mentioned. In an hour all the groups will pass in front of the class to present their work. You can move to go with your group." You immediately move the tables and chairs to get in circle, the question does not even arise you are with your friends. "Did anyone listen to the topics?"

Laura: The only one that caught my attention was impossible love.

Andre: I love that.

(y/n): For obvious reasons I have to agree. 

Max: You are stupid!

(y/n): Always. 

Max: Any ideas guys?

Katy: We obviously need lgbt characters. 

(y/n): That's not even a question! 

Laura: When does the story of Romeo and Juliet take place? 

Andre: 15th century I think. 

Laura: Well let's do our version of that because being gay was obviously forbidden at the time. 

(y/n): I like that but we have to completely change the story. 

Max: First of all we need roles. 

Katy: The gay character could be a princess or a prince and the other characters their friends or advisers.

Andre: Wait I'm writing it down. 

You keep talking and coming up with ideas and then assigning roles. You are the princess since everyone sees you in the role of someone who is against the rules and you are the one who knows how to improvise the best since it is also an exercise in improvisation. You invent a context, characters, the unfolding of the scene but most of the lines will be improvised. Charlize is coming to check all the groups and when she approaches you, you immediately smile as Katy gives you a little nudge on the shoulder "Your gay panic is showing!" You chuckle. Charlize comes up behind you and gently caresses your back, your friends smile seeing this then Charlize's hand remains on the back of your chair. "So which theme did you choose?

Andre: Impossible love but in the 15th century.

Katy: We found the whole story, but we just have to think about how the scene will unfold.

Charlize: That's good, you're early. You can tell me a little more about the context of the scene?

You turn in your chair to look at her since she's still behind you. 

(y/n): Of course, the story begins in a kingdom where a king wants to marry his daughter to a prince from another kingdom, it is an arranged marriage. But at the first meeting of the families the princess does not feel anything for the prince but for her sister. 

Katy: Hell yea!

(y/n): They're madly in love and manage to see each other in secret until the day of the proposal. 

You nod to Max. 

Max: It is simply the day when the prince will officially ask for the hand of the princess but she does not want to marry him so she has an idea, to propose to her father to marry the prince's sister instead so that the alliance happens.

Laura: The scene takes place in the morning before the ceremony and the princess speaks with her ladies-in-waiting and friends to explain to them her torments.

Charlize: You have made good progress, I really like your idea and you are the only ones who have chosen this subject which is perhaps the most complicated to deal with. Have you already assigned the roles? 

Katy: Yes (y/n) is the princess and we are her advisers and friends.

She looks at you and smiles.

Charlize: A princess, how surprising.

You chuckle and blush a little. 

Charlize: How are you going to get a fair text? You are 4, there is inevitably someone who will speak less especially in improvisation.

Andre: Not necessarily since we will all speak in turn and each will "bid" the ideas of the others.

(y/n): We have everything planned, it's gonna be awesome you'll see.

Charlize: Alright, I can't wait to see your scene then!

You thank her and she squeezes your shoulders as she leaves, you smile stupidly with your friends and continue to work.

Can't wait to share the next chapter it's... fruity let's say. 👀


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