Part 17 - Tension

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When Mr Kim and the boys came back, Y/N and her mother were hugging each other in the kitchen.

Dad: I want a hug from the two women of my life too.

Y/N: Appa, you're crushing me...

Jin: Eomma, where are the kids, you had pity on them?

Mom: Not me, your sister. Did they misbehave like that since we left?

Jin: Of course not. Eomma, you were hard on them, no? You didn't see them for weeks but scolded them after 1 day, it's tough!

Yoongi: Hyung. Stop.

Everyone stared at Yoongi. He was very protective toward his mother, even with Jin. He didn't like when one of them questioned her choices. Y/N felt guilty because all of this started because of her.

Y/N: Guys, we should prepare the dinner.

Jin: I have some work to do.

Yoongi: Me too! (They both left in an awkward silence.)

Mr Kim felt sorry for his wife. He knew that she was hurt that Jin and Yoongi's went on their silence mode. Since they started their second life and family, those 2 kids never fought or complained. But when they were not on the same side, they simply stopped to talk to each other for days. 

Dad: Kids, manage yourselves, I'm taking your mother out tonight...

Mom: What, why?

Dad: Just listen to your husband for once. Bye kids. Appa loves you.

Mr Kim dragged Mrs Kim with him and there was only Y/N and Namjoon left on the kitchen. Y/N looked down and was sad that the day finished like that. She should have maybe forgiven to her brothers at first or not be mad that they followed her, they were just worried for her.

Namjoon: Y/N, hey, what's wrong?

Y/N: Everything is my fault; our family is finally together but because of me... 

Namjoon: (He lifted her chin.) Sweetie, stop thinking like that. Everyone here is an adult and takes his own decision.

Y/N: (She surprised him with a sudden hug.) Oppaaa, I don't want you to leave, how will I do without you!

Namjoon: Kim Y/N, don't be like that. I know that you are a smart and big girl. You can face any situation and it's only for 3 months. How can I leave with a peaceful heart if I know that you are sad?

 How can I leave with a peaceful heart if I know that you are sad?

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Y/N: Then stay here with me forever. 

Namjoon smiled. His little sister was acting like a baby.

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