Chapter Five

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(Kit's Pov)

The next few days passed in the same fashion as Kit's first day out of her cell. Tony never followed through with the promise of other sleeping arrangements, although it didn't seem like either Kit nor Loki minded. The team did provide a proper cat bed for her though, as well as set up some climbing and hiding spots around the tower for her to explore in her small form.

Because she was the only cat around and everyone adored her, Kit was given multitudes of attention, as well as a homemade meal with every dinner. She refused to eat whatever 'kibble' or 'wet food' was, especially if they were already eating something edible that she could too.

Over time she managed to recognise a few more words. 'No' seemed like a favorite around here, roughly meaning that she wasn't able to do something. Or that it was wrong, incorrect, or impossible.

Another few words the team used with her was 'come', 'come here', or 'come on'. Kit eventually figured out this meant they wanted her to follow them, or head towards them. Which she promptly decided whether to, or not to do, in most cases the latter. Although she decided that if Loki was calling her then she would listen, as he never did so for unreasonable reasons. That was Stark's forte.

Speaking of Stark, he and Bruce decided one day that some 'tests' were in order. Which she meowed and yowled the entire time over, until they were forced to have Loki come and drag her out from underneath one of the couches she ran under for what seemed like the sixth time. Of course with enough bribes of tuna and distractions with little lights he made, the science bros finally finished everything they had aimed to accomplish.

Since that day, most of the following had been calm and relaxing. Until today, as the team scrambled after quite an annoying sound blared throughout the tower.

"Kitten, I need to go." Loki said again, as she curled around his feet. He was being sent on a 'mission'- whatever that was- and she wasn't allowed to follow.

She meowed indignantly, as he tried to step over her. Loki never left the tower, nor did he ever leave her. Why couldn't she at least go with him?

"No, Kit. You can't come with us." He said in a patient tone, finally getting past her. The entire team was heading out, leaving her with the tower to herself. Kit tilted her head to the side as he told her no, confused why she really was not allowed to follow him.

"Brother!" Thor called, as thunder rumbled through the clear sky. Loki sighed and summoned a new outfit, one covered in green and brown leather, with a golden helmet-like hat on his head.

"I'll be back later, Kitten. Be good." He said, finally teleporting away. She suddenly found herself alone for the first time since she was brought here, with the entire tower to herself.

What was a kitten to do?


After Kit realised the team really wasn't coming back soon, she turned her attention to something else. Like sleeping. Except that she had just done that this morning, deciding to look for a plaything instead. Something to do, to chase, to entertain herself with while there was no one around.

Which is how she came to the conclusion of food. Something sweet and warm, that would help soothe the loneliness within her.

Like warm milk.

Except Kit had no idea how to make warm milk, besides the few times she stopped to watch the team do it. They would grab the milk from the giant, cold box, pour it in a saucer, and warm it in the 'microwave'. Surely she could do that. Somehow. Even though she wasn't even tall enough to reach the microwave.

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