Chapter Twenty-Two

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(Kit's Pov)

Days passed since that movie night, days filled with cheek kisses to everyone. At first the team laughed, although Kit could tell they started to accept the habit.

It was just a habit. Even if she did remember who she gave her first kiss to, perhaps attempting to 'right' her mistakes by making the notion not so scandalous. She was saying thank you, without saying it.

Well, she did say it-

Whatever the reason she did it that night, Kit made a point to make sure everyone received their thanks in the form of cheek kisses. Only a light one, and only one per appreciated act. Like if Clint made breakfast, Nat bought her a little something, or Tony upgraded the cat platforms around the tower.

Or if Loki summoned a salmon meal, lended the long side of the blanket during movie nights, or just... complimented her.

And every time she thought she saw a slight tint to his cheeks, as he looked away quickly.


This morning however, as Kit awoke to sunshine radiating warmth across her cat-bed where she lay, she instantly found something different. Or, the lack of something- someone, rather.

She couldn't feel Loki's magic. Normally, unless he was out on a mission, Kitten could feel his magical presence, or at least the lingering trail of it throughout the tower from that day.

But now she couldn't. It was gone.

Thinking it was only a mission, she bounded downstairs, expecting the lack of Avengers.

Except the only people missing were the Asgardians. Loki and Thor. Gone from the tower.

Kit approached the kitchen bar, watching Clint as he made pancakes. One of her favorite breakfasts- and Loki's too.

"Morning, Kit!" Steve seemed to notice her first, before the rest of the team bubbled out greetings as well.

"Good morning." She responded, not liking the lack of the aliens. Without Thor's boldness and Loki's mischief, the tower seemed a tad empty. "Where are Loki and Thor?"

"They went back to Asgard." Bruce supplied.


"Don't know." Tony finished off the conversation, as Clint called that breakfast was ready. Everyone swarmed the stack of pancakes, taking more than usual with the two bottomless pits gone.

Kit ignored the offering of delicious pancakes however, settling on her usual seat at the table. Loki and Thor were gone? For how long? And how far away was Asgard? Far enough she could never hope to visit? Kit tried to blame her interest about the place on it being new, and another realm... and yet she couldn't deny she wouldn't want to visit Loki's homeworld. Just to see what it's like.

Her thoughts ran rampant through her mind, so loud she didn't hear the whispers minutes later about why she hadn't gotten food yet. Kit skipping breakfast? Completely ignoring the presence of pancakes?

Something had to be wrong.

"Kit? You okay?" Natasha asked, appearing beside her clad in a mission-worthy outfit.

Her words shook Kit out of her thoughts, the Kitten raising her head from the cloud or ponder she created. "Oh? Yes, Nat. I am alright." Only then did she notice Natasha's outfit, and the go-bag on her shoulder, nonetheless. "Is there a mission?"

"Yeah. I'm going to be gone for a couple of days, you think you can manage?" Her tone bordered on the line of teasing and concern, both meanings present in the question. Natasha was leaving too? Who else would leave?

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