Chapter Ten

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(A/N: Sorry this is so horrible, I haven't gotten around to rewriting it.)

(Kit's Pov)

"Good luck." Jarvis whispered just as the doors opened, leaving her in the view of dozens of people. And this was only the entryway. Kit pressed forward, her anxiety spiking shortly when the elevator doors closed behind her. It felt like she was trapped- although she knew that wasn't the case. If she wanted to leave, all she had to do was press the button to go and hide away.

But she wouldn't. She couldn't, not until she saw the team. That was her goal, to at least see them. All of them- and then she could tuck her tail and run without feeling that guilty.

Alright, she would feel completely guilty. But making such an appearance required a lot of confidence- something she was only slowly regaining.

With a deep breath, Kit took one step after the other, heading into the thick of it. As much as Jarvis had tried to prepare her, Kit was still caught off guard by just the pure mass amount of people. People ignoring her, people glancing curiously at her, people just straight up staring at her. Each of those glares or glances in her direction were paired with a whisper, most of them doubting the coincidence of a person and cat both having the same colored mismatched eyes. It seemed it was an unlikely occurrence, even more so for one of them to be gold.

There were the positive whispers too though, like some girls complimenting her dress. And she found it terrifying to acknowledge it in the slightest. To call them out on their obviously meant to stay unheard whispers.

Deciding to start along the edges, Kit made her way along the brim of the crowd, steering clear of any presumed threats. Like Fury- she wasn't going to talk to him first.

"No, Thor. I do not want to try these Midgardian drinks." A familiar voice found its way to her, as she breathed a sigh of relief. Loki was here, just the person she was looking for. And Thor too, it seemed.

"I promise they are not as bad after the first sip." Thor boomed, setting down yet another empty glass to accompany the other two at the bar. "Just try one!"

"No, I don't think-" His sentence was cut off, as Thor forced one in his hands. A heavy sigh, as he tried to deny it once again.

"You have to live a little, broth-" Thor choked on his drink, a coughing fit ensuing. This just happened to coincide with his eyes meeting Kit's, of course. But it was just a coincidence- "Kit?"

Or not.

While Thor was staring in disbelief at her, Loki turned to try and find the little kitten as well. Except she wasn't so little anymore, Kit making her way to them. He seemed to realise that someone was walking towards them, raising his eyes to meet her own.

"Hi." It was the first and only word she could say, all her confidence diminishing to nothing when Loki's eyes met hers. He was shocked, and yet a slight look of remembrance mixed in as well.

"Kit?" This time Loki asked, a slight hurtful look settling in his eyes. Like he was deciding whether she had betrayed him in some way or not.

"Yes, Loki." She smiled, and any hurt he felt melted away. He smiled back, now more surprised than anything. "I am a human now!" Kit cheered giddily, as the brothers' glanced at each other. Seems her surprise worked.

"You're human? How long have you been able to..." Thor trailed off, confused beyond words. "Why haven't you shown this form yet?"

"I had to talk better first." She said, sparing a glance at Loki. "I was 're-e-e-ally bad at it'."

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