Chapter Forty-Two

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(A/N: In need of some editing, but overall fun. Give me awhile for the next update, I have to plan some things. Thanks for reading! ^w^ )

(Kit's Pov)

"Kit? Are you alright?" A voice called from the side of the bed, as a hand nudged her awake. "Wake up."

"Hm?" The Kitten peeked her eyes open, expecting to see just who had fallen asleep there last night. Surprised to come face to face with Natasha. What? Where's Loki? "I am okay. What's going on?"

"Loki is." Kit perked her head up, very confused. Wasn't he just here? Going to fix whatever noise was thumping? But instead, she found more Avengers in her room. Clint stood at the door, while Bruce inspected the Kitten for any injuries. But what did Nat mean, something's wrong with Loki? He should've been right here... in bed... with her...

Oh. Well, there's the problem. Of assumptious teammates, that is. This is ridiculous. Why hadn't Loki just told them? They went out on a date, that's all. "What happened?"

"You don't remember?" Kit flipped around to face Bruce, whose jump to conclusions rattled even her own logic. Nothing was wrong! Is it really that hard to accept?

Kit huffed, ignoring the heat rising to her cheeks. "I remember last night very well. I just don't know where Loki is."

"He's in the cells." Er- what? Cells? As in jail? Did they really dare take Loki away from her? Under charge of taking Kit on the best date of her known life? A stern expression spread across her features. This is ridiculous. And yet, knowing the Avengers were a group of believers in 'see it to believe it', Kit decided to simply forgo this whole conversation.

In one swift motion Kit jumped off the side of the bed, magicked some proper clothes, and took off in the direction of the elevator. After the weeks spent down there when she first arrived, she practically knew the way by heart.

The others hurried after her, "Kit, wait! You can't-"

"Loki has done nothing wrong." She snapped over her shoulder, not sparing a second.

"He kidnapped you!" Clint called, the extra training and height doing nothing to help him catch up to the girlfriend on a mission.

"He just said that so you wouldn't stop us." Kit breezed past his complaints, reaching the elevator. Closing it before the others could enter. The avengers were many things, but delicate wasn't one of them. As the machine lowered, she could hear pounding next door as the others rushed down the stairs.

Heh. Unlucky for them.

The doors opened, revealing the hallway leading to the cell rooms. Shouting echoed solely from one, making it easy to pinpoint the others' location. She blasted down the hallway, not stopping even when Natasha crashed out the stairwell. Kit entered the room, finding 'the big three' interrogating Loki as he sat alone in a cell, looking quite bored out of his mind.

"What are you doing?" Kit shouted, as her followers finally caught up. Apologizing for not being able to stall the Kitten. "Why is Loki in there? He's an Avenger!"

"He's also your kidnapper!" Tony shouted, as Steve took a step forward to take point on this conversation. But the Tincan shrugged off his hand, and continued anyway, "Being an Avenger doesn't mean anything if you kidnap your own teammate!" He pointed a finger at the jailbird, who had taken an interest since Kit's arrival.

Kit huffed, pinned in this situation. By Loki's expression, it seemed he had already tried every way he knew to get out of this. The last option? If the 'victim' said he was innocent. "But he didn't! I am healthy and happy. Is that not good? Loki has done no crime."

"Really?" This time Natasha scoffed, drawing Kit's attention back. "Then why was he in your room? You don't have to play along with his lies anymore, Kit."

With a final glance at Loki, a final glance of reassurance, Kit interrupted the warrior woman. She knew Loki's thoughts on this matter, and it was about time everyone knew. "He hasn't lied to me. Loki has said nothing but the truth. He didn't kidnap me. Loki took me on the best date I have ever had." She let the words fall from her mouth, looking to Loki from time to time for reassurance. The others fell silent, shocked at this development.

"You... You are courting Lady Kit?" Thor was the first to speak, turning to Loki in his cell. He nodded. "This is excellent news!"

"Thor!" the rest of the Avengers shouted at his outburst, no doubt torn about this new predicament. Their sweet, innocent Kit dating the dark prince? Avenger or not, Loki was a liar and manipulator.

Well, before he met Kit, anyway.

"This isn't another game, is it?" Bruce budded through, seemingly happy for the couple. Glancing at Loki. "You didn't put her up to this?"

"We wanted it to be a surprise!" Kit smiled brightly, hoping the cheer might encourage the Avengers to let Loki go. Sparing them any other details. "I thought you would be happy for us?"

They stuttered, finally giving in. Steve gestured to Tony, who fidgeted with a small gadget on his wrist. The cell door slid open, releasing her boyfriend. Now, to deal with the one who said everything would be fine. That the Avengers would 'understand' their disappearance.

Kit ran up to the Jotun, encasing him in a big hug. "Kitten~" Loki sighed, trying to keep up the cold facade while staying soft for her. One way had to give in, inevitably the mask he played for the others. Embarrassment leaking through from her public display. Loki may seek attention, but only when he was the one in control.

"Don't scare me again." She whispered, sneaking a kiss on his cheek. He said it would've been okay. That nothing would go wrong, and then he disappears. Only to end up arrested. It scared her that he could simply ignore consequence so completely like this.

He whispered back, "Never."

"So, lovebirds." Tony interrupted, shaking his eyebrows as if such an action as a hug and kiss was so scandalous it would scar him for life. Too raunchy for the playboy, even. "Can I throw a party to make up for this misunderstanding?"

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